Adventure Journal

Adventuring Party

The Party consists of: Jamoke Motivation: A Troll Shadow Hunter of the Promises of Victory/🌐Worldbuilding/Regions/Todo/Echo Isles. He fled his home to pursue Adventure.
Story Relevance: Jamokes Sister Jaloren is working for the Shaddowhammer, she will be used to get the Party to fulfill the Ritual with the Tear of the Archdevil in the Forge of Chaos.

Ransden A Undead Priest once in service of the League of Arathor. He found a Ritual that Promises to bring back his Family. Story Relevance: Ransden wants to Fulfill the Rituals

Skelter This Goblin left the The Moonfair to search for a way for it to undo their Pact they did with the The Gremlins. Story Relevance: In the Partys research they find The Fulfiller who is responsible for the The Moonfairs deal. The Fulfiller is also one of the few creatures to actually remember Naruun as a God of False Promisses

Semloh Kolrehs This Undead Half Elf Ranger just recently turned into an Undead. He searches for Answers on why he woke up as an Undead and why he was killed. Story Relevance: Semlohs Murder was convicted by the LPF as a research Method to get Closer to the Nosem


Characters have intermingled Backstorys: Jamoke and Ransden both have connections to the League of Arathor, with Jamoke's sister Jaloren working for the Shaddowhammer and Ransden being a former priest in service of the league. Their shared history with the league may create a bond between them, as they work together to uncover the truth about Jaloren's involvement with The Shaddowhammer and Ransden's quest to regain his humanity.

Skelter and Semloh Kolrehs both have a connection to the supernatural world, with Skelter seeking a way to undo The Moonfair's pact with The Gremlins and Semloh trying to find answers about his transformation into an undead. Through their shared experiences, they might find common ground in their pursuit of understanding the mysterious forces that shape their lives.

Ransden and Semloh Kolrehs share a connection through their undead nature, which may lead them to explore their cursed existence together. As they face challenges related to their undead state, they might form a strong bond through their shared struggles.

Jamoke and Skelter could have a connection through their mutual interest in finding ways to save those close to them. Jamoke is determined to save his sister Jaloren from the influence of the Shaddowhammer, while Skelter wants to free The Moonfair from its pact with The Gremlins. Their shared goal of rescuing others might inspire them to work together as allies on this journey.


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