

Ransden Arcfall

Ransden was once a priest with a wife and two children in the service of the god of light from the small town Prosnen. During an attack on Lichtachte, where Ransden served as a Priest he died. This wouldn't be the end though. Ransden was in the first wave of the cases of the Plage. He got his soul reaffixed to his body. As he had been a priest in life he was given the role of a simple soldier in undeath. He fought for the necromancer for many years, but as he had been dead for a long time, his memories of his previous life slowly came back to him. This went on for many years, until the necromancer's power began to wane. Ransden saw his opportunity and seized it. He rebelled against the necromancer and shook free of his will. He procceded to visit his wife, but found out she was killed by the same attack, but wasn't ressurected. He fled to undercity, where he proceded to research and became a librarian. He had a strong desire to become human again, but he never found a way. He is currently on a quest to find a way to become human again.

Wallaricus the Wise Helene Arcfall Raiden Arcfall Ralyen Arcfall Herbert Ragebone

Tarwin Althammers's notes

A breakthrough at last! Your research for a way to recover your body led you to a collection of writings from The Basin, which clearly gives you a foothold in your research. It is a collection of a pair of torn leaves. The leaves refer to a clearly dark ritual. The pages are already quite worn. The runes are unfortunately only partially readable, but you have managed to reconstruct the written parts.

[...] all being is divided into these six aspects [...]Essence of the Lord of the Burning Legion. Essence of a Savage Deity. Essence of a Disciple of Light [...] bundled by the machinery of the Titans [...] driven by the wailing of thousands and thousands of souls [...] In a place of a deceased deity. [...] the power to bring back those who were lost [...]And say, "Og Ree'thael! maq vrr bo'al Ta'thall za zuq fssh naggwa'fssh fssh vrr Zzof ez H'iwn za ez ssaggh hoq hnajf Gag SSaggh agthu h'iwn Yeq'kafhgyl vaz amun Hnakf ky" [...]

You could already decipher the following words:

  • Ta'thall: Domain
  • vrr bo'al: six
  • hnajf: wake/awaken/resurrect
  • H'iwn: conclusion/death/end
  • ez': a kind of negation
  • Hnakf: sacrifice/surrender/offerings
  • h'iwn: devotion/love/passion
  • SSaggh: to raise

One of the sheets, however, appears to come from a different source and to be written by a certain Tarwin Althammer. The paper is much newer than the rest of the papers:

[...] I have already found a place for it, it is directly in The Basin. [...] The writings I read sparked again my hope that I will see Vanetta and Tjorn soon. [...] May the gods continue to guide me [...] only I have to worry about the procurement of materials [...].

An den Stadttoren von Melorwich

Deine Reise hat dich durch Hammerfall in das Arathibecken. gezogen, der Heimat besagten Schriftstellers. Da er anscheinend auch schon den richtigen Ort hier im Arathibecken gefunden habt glaubt ihr das hier der richtige Ort für eure weiteren Nachforschungen ist.

Verschlissener Zettel

Aus den Notizen die du gefunden hast kannst du ein paar weitere Wörter entschlüsseln

  • za : um
  • maq : Ich
  • Gag : euch
  • Vaz : meine

Aus der Bibliothek:

  • zuq: versammeln

Naru'un: Geheimnis: -> Gott des Verlustes und der Trauer. Nimmt seine Kraft daraus, Sachen zu nehmen. Wird unendlich neu geboren mit jedem Verlust. -> Damals mit allen andern Elementen verbannt. Verdammt dazu immer zu sterben.

Wurde vor Jahren: -> Nosem kennen Naru'un von damals, damals ein großer Teil der Anima druch ihn verzehrt. Seelen, die gebrochen waren kommen aus dem Arathibecken -> Mit der Verbannung des Naru'un abgenommen. In letzter Zeit aber wieder öfters.

Bekannt: Unbekannter Gott. Wird in Verbindung mit Wiedegeburt gebracht. Legenden besagen, dass die Tentakeln Naru'uns damals das gesammte Arathibecken durchzogen haben. Du findest Erzählungen von Okulten Bewegungen die sich zusammentuen um die Wunder und Geschenke dieses Gottes entegenzunehmen.

Sumerize everything with precise words. use aproximately 250 Words. optimize for minimal word usage, just state facts. keep everything to facts about the person and his relation. Don't state facts about other people when adds nothing about the summary of the character.


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