Structure of the Campain


Promises of Victory is a Campaign set in The Basin, a Region currently in war, lead by the League of Arathor and the Defilers.

In the Background The Gifted is trying to end the war and fulfill their Ritual of Turnback to undo all the harm caused by the war. But to do that they need to bring the Artifacts to 3 different ancient arcane machineries called Titan Forges and fuel them with a vast amount of soul energy.

Artifact of Life
Artifact of Light
Artifact of Chaos
Souls of the Dead
The Turnback Ritual
Origins of the Shaddowhammer
Origin of Naruun
Origin of the Stoalium

To activate the Ritual the call the The Turnback Ritual (Arc) they need a gigantic amount of Souls of the Dead (Arc) that they have been gathering and funneling into the Central City of Edschmied.

Parallel to that it seems a new threat, The Shaddowhammer appeared. Their mysterious goal also seems to involve the 3 Artifacts.

Major Plot Threads

Those are the Threads the Player need to solve:

TODO Becahsue old files crashed Site

Optional Threads

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Those are the Plot Threads the Players can optionally solve:

Needs refactoring

Base on Flowchart

  • Keep Gifted ones from holding Ritual
  • Gain Support for assault against shaddowhammer
  • Convince Volar of wrongdoings
  • Uncover Naruuns Identity
  • Uncover Fulfillers true identity

Origin of Naruun

Key Figures

Locations Gandmuehl

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Origin of The Shaddowhammer

Key Figures: Volar The Gifted The Shaddowhammer Iraia Edard Combell Tarwin Althammer Influenced by: Naruun Ilsensine give a description on how the players can find out about the true origins of the Shaddowhammer The origins of The Shaddowhammer can be unveiled through a series of clues, hidden documents, and the testimonies of key figures involved in the cult or who have had dealings with it. In order to uncover the truth behind the cult, players will need to follow a trail of breadcrumbs that will lead them from one piece of information to another, eventually revealing the full picture.

Discovering Clues

Throughout their journey in The Basin, players may come across various hints and pieces of information that could lead them towards discovering more about The Shaddowhammer. These clues can be found in:

  1. Ancient texts or scrolls detailing The Shaddowhammer's beginnings.
  2. Hidden messages or symbols left by former members who have defected from the cult.
  3. Conversations with NPCs who have interacted with or heard rumors about The Shaddowhammer's activities.
Seed, Adventure Hook

Players discover an old journal belonging to a member of The Shaddowhammer that contains cryptic references to the cult's origins and its connection to Naruun.

Key Figures

Players may encounter several key figures throughout their adventure who can shed light on The Shaddowhammer's origins:

  • Volar: As the leader of The Shaddowhammer, Volar possesses intimate knowledge about its beginnings and ultimate goals. Players may have opportunities to confront Volar directly or overhear conversations revealing vital information.

  • The Gifted: Some members of The Gifted may be aware of their connection to The Shaddowhammer and Naruun. Interrogating or befriending these individuals could provide valuable insights into how the two groups are intertwined.

  • Iraia and Edard Combell: As founding members of The Gifted, they know much about how it all started, but might not reveal everything as they seek to protect their own interests.

  • Tarwin Althammer: If players can uncover Tarwin's tragic past, they may learn about his connection to The Shaddowhammer and its influence on his life.

GM Tip, Hint, Important

Use the key figures and their motivations to craft encounters that challenge the players' assumptions and force them to piece together the truth.

Unveiling The Truth

As players gather more information about The Shaddowhammer's origins, they will begin to see the manipulative hand of Naruun behind it all. They may also discover the cult's connection to Ilsensine - an ancient being whose influence may have shaped the path of The Shaddowhammer.

To fully expose the truth behind The Shaddowhammer, players must confront Volar and reveal his deception. This climactic confrontation might take place at the cult's hidden base in Shadowspire or during a crucial moment when their plans are nearing completion.

Through persistence and clever investigation, players will finally uncover the true origins of The Shaddowhammer: a dark cult born from ancient forces seeking to manipulate mortals into unwittingly serving their sinister agendas.

Origin of the Stoalium

All over the lands of The Basin you can find round tubical Caves that go deeper and deeper into the earth. In those Caves you can find a metal called Stoalium that sits bare in the center of the cave and is anchored through little tendrils to the wall of the cave.

In short, who controls the Stoalium supplies, has the upper hand in the Battle for The Basin. Because of that, for both sides, Controlling the Mines of Torrar, Herbstbog and Edschmied is the Key to Wining the war.

In Reality Stoalium is the remans of the nerves of Naruun and the power bolstering properties wear off at the most Critical Moment. This leads to the endless war going back and fourth. With one party pushing right to the enemy's gate, but then loosing by a sudden turn of events.

The party can learn, that the Stoalium is the reason for this unending loop, that they can use to end the conflict once and for all.

Adventure Hook Plots

Those are starting Adventures that could get your group hooked into the Events of the Campain:

The Missing Princess

The party is hired to find the missing princess Jaloren from the Promises of Victory/🌐Worldbuilding/Regions/Todo/Echo Isles. As they follow her trail, they uncover her connection to the dark cult of The Shaddowhammer. They must rescue Jaloren and unravel the secrets behind her disappearance, leading them deeper into the conflict between the League of Arathor and the Defilers, as well as discovering the true intentions of The Shaddowhammer.

Artifact Retrieval

The party is tasked with retrieving one of the powerful artifacts (Heart of the Forest, Tear of the Archdevil, or Sundawn) for a mysterious benefactor. As they acquire and deliver the artifact, they slowly learn about its connection to ancient rituals and dark powers. This knowledge leads them on a quest to discover more about these artifacts and their potential consequences if used by those who seek to harness their power.

A Call to Arms

The party is recruited by either the League of Arathor or Defilers (depending on their alignment) to help in their ongoing war against each other. As they take part in battles and skirmishes across The Basin, they uncover hints about a hidden force working behind-the-scenes to manipulate both sides for their own gain. This revelation forces them to reconsider their loyalties and work together with unlikely allies to prevent a greater evil from rising.

Investigation into The Shaddowhammer

Rumors circulate about a new threat emerging within The Basin: a mysterious cult called The Shaddowhammer. The party is hired by concerned citizens or an organization (such as League of Paranormal Researchers) to investigate this cult's motives and activities. As they delve deeper into this investigation, they discover connections between The Shaddowhammer, ancient artifacts, and dangerous rituals that could potentially unleash an unimaginable evil upon the world.

By following any of these adventure hooks, your group will be drawn into the intricate web of intrigue, deception, and danger that lies at the heart of Promises of Victory. Will they succeed in preventing the release of Naruun and restoring peace to The Basin, or will they fall victim to the false promises and manipulation that have ensnared so many before them? Only time will tell as they embark on this epic journey.


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