Note Overview

This Vault is divided into sections:

# Regions

File Summary
The Basin
  • Located within Ivagur Peaks
  • Divided by Silent River
  • Central settlement is Edschmied
  • Notable settlements include Trollbans Hold, Defiler's Den, Maerhof, and Lichtachte
  • Geography includes hills, meadows, grasslands, dry barrens, and dense forests
  • Diverse flora and fauna with common animals like deer and foxes
  • Cultural melting pot with undead citizens due to The Plague
  • Main religion is worship of Arathor; rise in popularity of The Gifted who follow Naruun
  • Politics influenced by war between Defilers and League of Arathor; economy controlled by The Triad
  • Known for weaponsmithing and valuable resource Stoalium from Mines of Torrar
  • History involves ancient forces or gods shaping the land; hidden underground network connects key locations
Silent River
  • Giant River spans 20 miles, flows through Basin from north-west to south-east
  • Source of water and transportation
  • Bordered by Mountains in the north-west and smaller side rivers
  • source of life and prosperity for inhabitants, protect them from intruders
  • Believed to be enchanted by magical forces, whispers heard coming from within the water
Zarinesh's Hand Zarinesh's Hand is a colossal stone hand in the Irasnian Wastes, believed to belong to deity Zarinesh.,City of Ergon is built at the base of Zarinesh's Hand and has an ancient temple dedicated to Zarinesh.,Lifeblood River sustains life in Irasnian Wastes, flowing out from tiny cracks within Zarinesh's Hand.,Religious practices and cults center around venerating or harnessing the power of Zarinesh's Hand.,Events and festivals celebrate connection between Ergon and Zarinesh's Hand, including annual pilgrimage to the top.,Rumors circulate about hidden secrets within Zarinesh's Hand, including long-lost treasures or ancient curses.
Irasnian Wastes
  • Isranian Wastes is a harsh desert region below The Basin
  • Notable features include Zarinesh's Hand, Lifeblood River, and The Salt Flats
  • Economy relies on trade between nomadic tribes and oasis settlements, with Ergon as a major hub
  • Conflicts arise over resources, trade routes, and ancient ruins
  • Inhabitants are skilled in various crafts and trades, emphasize self-sufficiency and resourcefulness
  • Dangerous creatures roam the wastes; navigation is difficult without experienced guides
  • Religion includes worship of Zarinesh and animistic beliefs involving nature spirits
Echo Isles -


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File Summary
  • Melmorwich is a city founded many years ago by a necromancer who was killed in battle.
  • The city is inhabited by undead creatures and humans who have either been turned into zombies or are servants to the undead.
  • The city is ruled by a High Council made up of powerful undead creatures and various Guildmasters who are in charge of their respective guilds.
  • The Necromancer is the ruler of the city and his word is law.
  • The city has a thriving market and many businesses run by the undead.
    • There are multiple guilds including: Necromancers, Vampires, Zombies, Skeletons, Ghosts which help to keep the city running smoothly.
Herbstbog -
  • Gandmühl is a small town with predominantly elven population of approximately 2000 residents.
  • Town is divided into two factions, Chuckers (lumber trade) and Reformers (tourism).
  • Governed by an elven council with equal representation from both factions.
  • Notable locations include lumber mills (east) and harbor (west).
  • Famous for its bakery producing delicious bread, attracting tourists.
  • Located next to a river, surrounded by forest and fields.
  • Falk is a small town located in Basin's Forest, west of Düsternest
  • Established as a logging community, now has diverse population including hunters, craftsmen, and undead members called Defilers
  • Economy depends on logging and hunting, with occasional trade from passing merchants
  • Weekly competitions attract travelers from far and wide
  • Surrounded by dense forest with tall trees and abundant wildlife
  • Alliance with Defilers, housing many undead among its population
  • Neutral in regional conflicts due to remote location and lack of strategic importance
  • Notable citizens include Dr. Phalando, an energetic mayor, magical twin elf children, and Gargula (old lady who sells magical trinkets)
  • Local threats include wild animals like bears and wolves, as well as occasional goblin sightings
Ergon -
  • Located in the center of The Basin and ruled by League of Arathor
  • Led by High Paladin Erathenar, opposes General Malachi's Defilers
  • Known for its Cathedral of Light housing the Artifact of Light
  • Surrounded by various towns, including Maerhof, Prosnen, Faern, Trollbans Hold, and Edschmied
  • Key locations include the Cathedral of Light, League of Arathor Headquarters, and Grand Library run by Ransden
  • Notable figures include High Paladin Erathenar, General Malachi, and Ransden
  • Factions involved are League of Arathor, Defilers, and The Lost Hops
  • Plot hooks involve investigating General Malachi's plans or infiltrating Lichtachte for the Defilers
  • Hort is a village known for its poverty and has a mostly halfling and gnome population
  • It has no trade or nearby mines and the people of Hort are known for being rude and unhelpful
  • There is a small shrine to the god of agriculture in the village, but it is in disrepair and rarely used. The villagers mostly worship the god of luck as they need all the help they can get
  • Hort is dangerous and not suitable for adventurers
  • There is a cult of were-goats that are attacking people in the night, led by a powerful were-goat named Baphomet
Edschmied -
  • Located in the south of the Silent River
  • Mostly composed of artisans
  • Constructed on a cliff with a castle on top of it
  • Relatively Wealthy citizens and good economy
  • Neutral stance in war and no strategic point of interest
  • Ruled by Lord Ander, who is supportive of the arts
  • Majority human population with some other races also present
  • Militia to defend the city and its inhabitants
The Defilers Lumbermills -
Prosnen -
Silken Sanctuary Located south of Maerhof, hidden in dense forest,Secret hideout for the Cult of The Gifted Ones,Built atop the ancient Forge of Life,Entrance concealed by illusion spell,Led by council of elders, founded by Iraia,Notable locations include Crystal Cavern, Chamber of Visions, and Endless Caves Archive,Rumors and threats surround the cult and its members
Sturmklau -
Trollbans Hold -
Mines of Torrar -
Fulfiller's Market -
Maerhof -
Floating Towers -
Faern -
Defiler’s Den -
Edard Combell -


File Summary
The Rising Phenix -
Forge of Light -
Forge of Life -
Forge of Chaos -


File Summary
  • The Toothless is a Mercenary subgroup consisting of 5 members.
  • Their leader is Garox, a Half Orc who is a master of blades and loyal to the Eyes of the Dragon.
  • Second in Command is Malka, a Human opportunistic thief and smuggler.
  • Niran, a Halfling scout, is tasked with scouting out new locations or gathering intel on potential targets.
  • Dagur, a Dwarf brawler, relies on his strength and determination in battle.
  • Kix, a Changeling is the Aprentice that the group uses to infiltrate places.
Eyes of the Dragon
  • The Eyes of the Dragon is a spy guild located in the Sword Coast region of the Forgotten Realms setting.
  • They are known for their effectiveness, but also for their unethical methods.
  • They employ a range of tactics to gather information, including disguise, subterfuge, and blackmail.
  • They have a subgroup of mercenaries called the Toothless which consists of 5 people.
  • The Eyes of the Dragon can be used as a source of information, employer or antagonist in Dungeons & Dragons games.
  • The Solith are a native insectoid species from the Irasnian Wastes.
  • They cohabit the city of Quorritset with the reptilian Quorri race.
  • Their appearance includes hues of brown and yellow to blend with their desert environment.
  • Despite their formidable physical capabilities, the Solith are not aggressive and value cooperation.
  • They regard nature highly and their culture revolves around survival techniques and storytelling traditions.
  • In Solith society, status is determined by one's contribution to community survival rather than wealth or lineage.
  • A decentralized government structure exists where decisions are made at community gatherings by wise elders or proven leaders.
  • Occasional conflicts arise due to cultural misunderstandings with other races in Quorritset but they typically maintain peaceful relationships.
  • A secretive faction within both the Solith and Quorri races aims for racial supremacy which could cause conflict if not addressed discreetly.
Darkspear Trolls -
The Triad -
The Shaddowhammer
  • Cult divided into 3 parts Inner Circle, Outer Circle and Army
  • Cult leader is Volar
  • Cult is based in the city of Shadowspire, located in the Endless Caves, above Naruun's prison
  • Performing sacrifices to please God; about to use magical bomb to sacrifice Edschmied
  • Evil God Naruun is using them to escape prison and take over world
  • Nosem are astral entities guiding spirits with unfulfilled ambitions
  • They live behind the gates of the afterlife in flying ships in the Stream of Souls
  • They "fish" out souls with strong feelings of unaccomplishment and help them to let go of their past
  • They use energy released by the souls to fuel their ships and nurish themselves
  • They are benevolent, kind and compassionate, looking out for the best interests of those they help
  • They have a rivalry between each other, fighting for the best positions
  • They have no concept of time and live in the moment
  • Their ships are powered by energy from the lost souls they help and are comfortable and luxurious to live on
  • The Nosem take the form of whatever the lost soul desires most, often with bright blue eyes and long white hair.
The Moonfair
  • carnival run by misfits and orphans
  • visitors don't have to pay money
  • given ticket on entering to buy items from stands
  • gremlins keep track of gifts given to moonfair market
  • moonfair owes gremlins 50388.3 gold, increasing 5% each month
The Gremlins
  • Moonfair contracted with Gremlins
  • Magic enables the fair to be hidden from outside world
  • Gremlins request for no money for services provided in exchange for a place to stay
  • Small print allows Gremlins to take anything as long as not more than what the fair can provide
  • Gremlins take attractions, children and those not having fun at the carnival
  • Contract can only be lifted if repaid in Money or other valuables
League of Paranormal Researchers
  • LPF is a secret organization researching the paranormal and supernatural
  • members of the LPF are experts in various fields, including magic, unexplained phenomena and paranormal activity
  • the LPF has a Nosem research Department that studies their nature and purpose
  • they use special machinery given to them by the Fulfiller to observe at near death scenarios
  • some extreme experiments such as poisoning people with high ambitions to provoke the nosem have been conducted
The Lost Hops
  • The Lost Hops is a secret underground smuggling operation
  • Their goal is to steal from the rich and provide contraband to the poor
  • Led by Helena, expert in subterfuge and stealth
  • Pose as traveling brewers, brewing and selling beer as a cover
  • Base of operations is Düsternest, in good faith with city guard
  • Two groups, each led by Mom and Dad, 40 members in total
  • Members undergo ritual of Name to erase memories of past identity
The Sons (burglars crew)
  • The sons specialize in lockpicking and breaking into homes and shops
  • The sons work in small teams of 2-3 people
  • All sons are named after birds, such as Finch, Raven, and Crow
The Daughters (burglars crew)
  • Daughters focus on pickpocketing and purse snatching
  • Daughters work in small teams or alone
  • Daughters have safe houses in Düsternest
  • All daughters are named after flowers
League of Arathor
  • The League of Arathor is a coalition of mostly humans to fight back against the Defilers
  • Led by High Paladin Erathenar from Trollbans Hold
  • Comprised of human and elf paladins and archers, with some dwarven warriors
  • Codex dictates to defend life and uphold justice
  • Paladins are known for their bravery and righteousness
The Goats
  • The Goats are a mercenary organization specialized in organ harvesting and creative medical procedures
  • It is run by a small group of upper management, called cooks
  • The organization is very hierarchical with a clear chain of command
  • They are in conflict with the Lost Hopps since they follow opposing goals
  • Their Goals are to make money and advance the state of medical knowledge
  • They use well-oiled machinery to harvest organs and conduct experiments
  • The Cutters in the inner circle are given the most difficult and dangerous jobs, as well as a mutagen which bestows them with lycanthropy curse
    • Plot Hook: PCs hired by mysterious benefactor to infiltrate Goats and retrieve important information about their operations
Düsternest Artisans Guilds -
  • D.E.H.T.A. (Druids for the Ethical and Humane Treatment of Animals) is a organization based in Sturmklau that fights for animal rights.
Orken Hordes -
  • The Defilers are a faction of undead
  • Led by General Malachi, a powerful undead sorcerer
  • Second-in-command is Grushnak, an orc chieftain from the nearby mountains
  • Armed with crude but deadly weapons
  • Goal is to be independant and accepted as living creatures in the Basin
The Gifted
  • The Gifted is a religious group that worships Naruun, the God of Death.
  • They believe in resurrection and granting wishes for loyal followers.
  • They aim to complete the Turnback Ritual to resurrect lost loved ones and revert undead creatures.
  • Led by Iraia and Edard Combell, who receive visions from Naruun.
  • Allies with offshoot faction Shaddowhammer; enemies with those opposing Naruun or their activities.
  • Publicly non-violent but secretly perform sacrificial rituals for their goals.
  • Organized into tiers with different responsibilities and privileges.
  • Located in the Basin, with headquarters near Maerhof called Silken Sanctuary.
  • Connected to the League of Paranormal Researchers, who study Nosem energy and The Gifted's powers.
Cold Heaven Dwarfs
  • Cold Heaven Dwarfs are stoic smiths from Edschmied, valuing freedom and independence. They specialize in smithing with Stoalium, creating lightweight yet strong weapons and armor. Their primary goals are to perfect their craft and protect Edschmied. The faction values freedom in battle and craftsmanship, believing in using their creations frequently. Led by a council of master smiths and warriors, they have subgroups for specific tasks. They maintain close ties with Edschmied's citizens and ally with factions sharing similar values. Founded after discovering Stoalium's power, they have become an integral part of Edschmied's identity.


File Summary
  • Kix is a Changeling Bard, born and raised in Neverwinter.
  • He used a half-elf persona to hide from the Eyes of the Dragon after bailing on a morally questionable job.
  • His ideal is “I want to belong and be accepted by others, no matter who I have to pretend to be.”
  • His flaw is “I have trouble trusting others and struggle to open up about my true self.”
  • He has a habit of humming made-up songs and speaks with a quiet, measured tone, choosing words carefully.
  • Kix grew up as a human child of a single mother with no recollection of his father or his identity as a changeling.
  • At 16 he left home with his human persona Veron and started working for the Eyes of the Dragon, doing small missions for them.
Gargula -
  • Greedy goblin
  • Former member of the Moonfair
  • Travels the basin
  • Con Artist
  • Wants to buy the fair
Semloh Kolrehs
  • Semloh Kolrehs is an undead half-elf ranger who was mysteriously resurrected after being murdered by the League of Paranormal Researchers in their pursuit to learn more about the Nosem. Driven by a desire for answers and to break free from his curse, he roams the realm seeking clues about his death and the supernatural forces at play. Resourceful and determined, Semloh possesses exceptional survival skills but faces challenges due to his undead nature.His quest for truth may lead him to form alliances with other adventurers who share similar goals or have connections to supernatural events. Potential allies include Skelter, who seeks to undo The Moonfair's pact with The Gremlins; Ransden, another undead character; or adventurers impacted by the League of Paranormal Researchers' actions. Semloh's journey includes encounters with enemies like Hemmet, haunted locations, and League of Paranormal Researchers operatives experimenting on Nosem. As an undead character, he may face fear and hostility from NPCs and party members, creating potential conflicts. His story explores themes of redemption, friendship, resilience, and the blurred lines between life and death as he strives to uncover the truth about his murder and escape his cursed existence.
  • Ransden Arcfall is a former priest of the god of light from the small town of Prosnen. He died during an attack on Lichtachte and was reanimated as an undead soldier by a necromancer, becoming a victim of the Plage. Over time, Ransden regained his memories from his previous life, including his wife Helene Arcfall and their two children, Raiden and Ralyen. As the necromancer's power weakened, Ransden rebelled and escaped to Undercity.In Undercity, Ransden became a librarian and started researching ways to become human again. His quest led him to writings from The Basin that mention a dark ritual that may help him regain his humanity. The writings include partially decipherable runes and words connected to resurrection, devotion, and sacrifice.One of the documents was written by Tarwin Althammer, who seemed hopeful about seeing his loved ones again with the help of this ritual. Tarwin mentioned finding a suitable location for the ritual within The Basin. Ransden's journey took him to Hammerfall in The Basin in search of more information about this potential solution. Along the way, he discovered additional documents containing more decipherable words related to gathering and secrets. Ransden learned about Naru'un, an unknown god associated with rebirth who might be connected to his quest for humanity. Legends claim that Naru'un's tentacles once covered The Basin. Ransden continues to research Naru'un and hopes to find a way to reclaim his humanity through this mysterious deity's powers.
  • Jamoke is a rogue, son of a High Voodoo Priest, from the Isles.
  • Left his tribe, worked as hunter and skinner in The Basin.
  • Framed for father's death by rival and searching for missing sister Jaloren.
  • Believes sister is mind-controlled by Shaddowhammer cult.
  • Shadow Hunter subclass with secrets about sister and the cult.
  • Goal to save Jaloren from cult by convincing her they're using her.
  • Clues to find Jaloren include gemstone, reconnecting with Loas, and Horde Camps information.
Tren Brattingham -
David Woods
  • David Woods is the owner of a brickyard in Darkshire and Rensden's uncle
  • He is an old grouchy man who has poor hygiene habits and rubs his eyes in a conspicuous manner
  • Rensden did not want to follow in his footsteps and had a strained relationship with him
  • He read books, studied people, as well as learned Darnassian while working against his will for his uncle
  • At the age of 14, Rensden left to start an apprenticeship elsewhere, which David held against him
Head of Trade -
Head of Learning -
Head of Archives -
The Fulfiller
  • The Fulfiller feeds off of bad emotions and false promises
  • She established her own way of giving false promisses through a traveling market
  • She analyses people's pasts to latch onto their desires
  • She makes deals that give people what they want, but also make them fall into deep despair
  • The Fulfiller takes pride in the more intense changes of fate that she causes
  • She collects trinkets from people beforehand to accumulate the bad emotions
  • Naruun is the old god of false promises
  • sealed away by the other forces of nature
  • manipulating the Gifted to try and escape
  • using them to sacrifice people and gather power
  • physical form appears as an infinite purple mass of giant tentacles
  • visions look like a giant clouded concept of an Angelic figure with multiple wings
  • grant people's deepest desires in exchange for power
  • peak of power thousends of years ago where his cult blindly followed him
  • sealed away in a prison made out of the very fabric of reality with 3 forges powered by Nosem using Death energy
  • only way to break prison is to gather all artifacts & provide soul energy into the forges
Izen -
Martin -
Hemmet -
Dr Phalando Dr. Phalando is an eccentric undead wizard living in the town of Falk,Resides in a laboratory on a hill, guarding the entrance to the Forge of Chaos beneath his house,Motivated by protecting the secret, pursuing arcane knowledge, and ensuring powerful artifacts don't fall into wrong hands,Known for his intelligence, eccentricity, and paranoia,Has a close bond with Broll Bearmantle and is romantically involved with Gargula,Serves as a knowledgeable resource for players in the campaign and may provide information about local history, magical artifacts, or hints about the Forge of Chaos,Secretly investigating someone within the town who's trying to learn more about the Forge of Chaos
Volar Volar was a Paladin,Volar lost a child in war,He searched for resurrection ritual,Joined the the Gifted ones for a while,Naruun deceived him to fulfill the ritual and free himself,The cultists blindly followed Volar without knowing the truth
  • Lawful evil alignment
  • Domains of Evil, Law, Knowledge, Magic and Trickery
  • Subdomains of Deception, Discipline, Divine, Slavery and Thought
  • Favored Weapons Unarmed strike or tentacle
  • Illithid creator or adopted figurehead
  • Venerated by Illithids
  • Rare temples shaped like brains
  • Small and secretive priesthood devoted to archiving history and knowledge
  • Control undead feared by other Illithids
  • Human psychic cults emulating mind flayers
  • Uncle is a Goblin Artificer known for selling magical items and counterfeits
  • He is an illusionist and has a shop called “Carl’s Curious Curiosities”
  • Uncle has a good personality, is kind and gentle but can be fierce when necessary
  • He has an ideal of finding the best deals, wants to retire in luxury, and is a bit of a hoarder
    • Appearance: old goblin man in his 70s with short white hair, green eyes, wrinkled skin, small build wearing a brown robe.
  • Helena is a Changeling Rogue and skilled brewer
  • Kind and caring, but also fierce and dangerous
  • Known as Grandma inside the Lost Hops
    • Ideal: People are more important than gold
    • Bond: Family is most important thing to them
    • Flaw: Gambling problem
  • fire genasi artificer
  • captain of the Lost Hops Logistics
  • skilled artificer
Wallaricus the Wise -
Tarwin Althammer
  • Tarwin Althammer was a respected human Paladin and hailed from the city of Gandmühl.
  • He was known for his skill in combat, strong sense of morality and unwavering loyalty to the righteous cause.
  • His beloved wife Marit was an elven musician and their daughter Reyala was a prodigy whose life was cut too short.
  • He was unjustly accused of her murder and left Gandmühl in search of solace elsewhere.
  • He encountered hardship on his journey, but also found a renewed purpose to seek justice for his family.
  • He eventually arrived at Ransden where he created documents to help others findtheir way to safety and freedom.
  • His legacy lives on through these documents, reminding people of his tragedy and courage.
High Paladin Erathenar
  • Erathenar is the leader of the League of Arathor and High Paladin of Lichtachte.
  • He is a skilled warrior and powerful paladin.
  • He was born a commoner in Trollbans Hold, Lichtachte.
  • He had a strong sense of justice and courage which led him to lead the League of Arathor.
  • He earned respect throughout Lichtachte and beyond through victories against Defilers.
  • He is remembered for his courage and unwavering faith in justice and honor.
Lord Ander
  • Lord Ander is the Lord of Düsternest
  • He is a fair and just ruler, supportive of arts, and he loves good food and drink
  • He is a war veteran tired of all the fighting who wants to make Düsternest peaceful and prosperous
  • Has made sure that the city is well defended
  • Works close with the Düsternest Artisans Guilds
Origan -
Broll Bearmantle
    • Broll Bearmantle: Elf Druid, Head Druid of Sturmklau, bear-like appearance
  • Involved with D.E.H.T.A. (Druids for the Ethical and Humane Treatment of Animals)
  • Protector of people and nature
    • Primary goals: hatching the Last Forest Dragon Egg, animal welfare, maintaining nature's balance
    • Relations: Dr. Phalando (old friend), people of Sturmklau, D.E.H.T.A.
    • Secret Knowledge: Aware of hidden location called the Forge of Chaos
    • Personality Traits: Deep connection to nature, overprotective, intimidating presence
    • Quirk: Scratches behind his ear like a bear when deep in thought or agitated
    • Trivia: Expertise in herbs/plants native to Sturmklau, enjoys gentle wooden flute music, cares for orphaned animals
Agraxis -
Grushnak -
General Malachi
  • Malachi is a leader of the Defilers, who was exiled from Lichtachte for practicing necromancy
  • She has amassed an army of undead and orcs and is a strong leader
  • Her most controversial invention was "The Plage", which she used to create many undead after an attack on Lichtachte
  • Jaloren is a princess from Echo Isles and sister of Jamoke
  • Jaloren went missing under mysterious circumstances
  • She joined the dark cult of The Shaddowhammer, which manipulates minds and memories
  • She was brainwashed into believing in a mass resurrection
  • Jaloren assassinated her own father for the cult
  • Jamoke uses a gemstone to track Jaloren's location in order to save her
  • Founding member of The Gifted
  • Has unwavering belief in the power of the gifted ones
  • Tall, slender woman with long dark hair and deep blue eyes
  • Wears robes in shades of deep purple, silver, and black
  • Values loyalty, devotion, and faith above all else
  • Deep bond with Edard Combell and strong connection with Volar
  • Hides the fact that not all her visions are true from her followers
  • Has an uncanny knack for sensing when someone is gifted
  • Received visions from Naruun since childhood, leading her to create The Gifted
  • Has a mysterious past possibly connected to a powerful noble family who disowned her when her powers manifested

Side NPCs

File Summary
Zercil Berwood -
Peter John -
Gandra -
Fer -
Theodor Goose -
Brastal -
Berta -
  • Dad is a Air Genasi Rogue
  • Leader of a break-in crew, skillful thief and an expert in lockpicking
  • Agile, stealthy and quick-thinking
  • Commands 2 crews of burglars called their Sons and Daughters

Historic Events

File Summary
The Tides Turn
  • Defilers conquered Desecrated Stronghold in 3028
  • Defilers gained major advantage and pushed League back
  • League fought bravely but outnumbered
The War Begins
  • War began in 3024
  • Defilers attacked cities in the west of the Basin
  • League of Arathor responded quickly
  • War lasted 4 years without a clear advantage to either side
The Tide Turns Again
  • League of Arathor fought back against Defilers
  • regained control of Desecrated Stronghold, a major advantage
  • began to push Defilers back
The Plague spreads
  • Plague spread by necromancer Malachi caused undead to rise from the dead
  • undead seen as monsters by League of Arathor
The Founding of the Defilers
  • founded in 3023 by Malachi
  • Undead and Orcs of nearby Mountains joined
  • became powerful force
The Defilers attack Edschmied
  • Defilers conquer Edschmied in the year 3039
  • League's last stronghold
  • Paladins outnumbered and outmatched by Defilers
The Cure
  • Erathenar discovered Cure for the Plague in 3018
  • Cure distributed to people of the Basin
  • Plague brought under control, but undead remain
The Fall of the League
  • Defilers conquer almost entire Basin in 3031
  • League pushed back to Trollbans Hold
  • Defilers lay siege to city
  • League paladins fight bravely and hold city
  • War between the League and Defilers lasted four years
  • War reached a stalemate
Attack on Lichtachte
  • Lichtachte attacked in 3014 by zombies
  • Malachi spread Plague to save citizens
  • Great divide in the basin caused by Malachi's Plague
  • Naruun used his last bit of power to instigate an attack and persuade General Malachi to use her Plague.
  • The Turnback is a Ritual seeked by the the Gifted
  • The Gifted think it will revive everyone in the Basin
  • Secrets It will break Naruun's Prison and set them free
  • The Fulfiller gave it to Volar
Historic Events
  • In 3014 the city of Lichtachte was attacked by zombies and General Malachi used the Plague to save them
  • The Plague created undead, which were viewed as monsters by the League of Arathor
  • High Paladin Erathenar discovered a Cure in 3018 and Defilers were founded in 3023 by Malachi as a faction of undead and orcs.
  • Defilers attacked cities in the west of the Basin in 3024 and conquered Desecrated Stronghold in 3028, pushing back the League.
  • They conquered most of the Basin by 3031, leaving Trollbans Hold to be defended by Paladins.
  • After four years of war, the League regained control over Desecrated Stronghold in 3039, but the Defilers ultimately overpowered Edschmied marking their victory.
Ancient Events -


These Files need Metadata!

🗒️Secret Todo List
Laras Notes
Timeline bis Hochzeit
🗒️Todo list
Timeline Tagesablauf
Promisses of Victory Journal
Prophecy of Shadows
The Shattering
Lifeblood River
The Sunkeepers
The Fogweavers !!
Ritter der Dämmerung
Säule des Lebens
Untitled 1
Prompt Ideas
Finding a Note Structure
Murder of Reyala Althammer Plot
Unfavorable Deals
Origin of Arcane Magic
Endless Caves Archive
Echo Isles
Ralyen Arcfall
Raiden Arcfall
Helene Arcfall
Herbert Ragebone
Faction Overview
Mysteries of the Basin
Graph Filter

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