Faction Overview


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"We will no longer be shunned or dismissed because of our appearance or our past deeds. Our very existence demands recognition and respect." - General Malachi

The Defilers are a faction of undead beings and outcasts, striving for independence and acceptance within The Basin. Led by the powerful undead sorcerer, General Malachi, they have amassed an army of undead creatures and orcs from nearby mountains, armed with crude but deadly weapons. Their ultimate goal is to be recognized as living beings in the world they inhabit.

Under Malachi's command, the Defilers have built a reputation for their tenacity and unyielding pursuit of their goals. Her most controversial invention was "The Plague," which she used to create many undead after an Attack on Lichtachte. Despite their fearsome appearance and actions, the Defilers are not without reason. They believe that they deserve a place in the world just as much as any other being, regardless of their current state.

The Defilers face opposition from various factions across The Basin, particularly from the League of Arathor led by High Paladin Erathenar. Determined to defend life and uphold justice, the League sees the Defilers as a threat to everything they stand for. This ideological clash leads to numerous conflicts between these two factions.

As ruthless as they may appear, it is important to remember that many members of the Defiler faction are individuals who have suffered persecution or tragedy in their past lives. Some may even be seeking redemption or a chance at a new existence free from judgment and discrimination.

Adventure Hook: A group of adventurers stumbles upon an ancient tomb containing powerful artifacts sought by both General Malachi and High Paladin Erathenar. The party must choose whether to ally themselves with one faction or attempt to navigate treacherous political waters on their own while safeguarding these artifacts.

League of Arathor

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"In the name of justice and honor, we stand against the darkness and defend the innocent. Our actions define us, and our unwavering faith guides us. We are the shield that guards The Basin." - High Paladin Erathenar

The League of Arathor is a coalition of humans, elves, and dwarves united in their fight against evil forces such as the Defilers. Led by High Paladin Erathenar from Trollbans Hold, they have earned respect throughout Lichtachte and beyond for their bravery, righteousness, and devotion to protecting life.

Comprised primarily of paladins and archers, along with some dwarven warriors, members of the League follow a strict code known as the Codex. This code dictates that they must defend life at all costs while upholding justice across The Basin. Because of their fierce dedication to these principles, they often come into conflict with factions like General Malachi's Defilers.

While some may view the League as overly zealous or rigid in their beliefs, there is no denying their effectiveness in combatting dark forces. They are well-trained and disciplined fighters who have endured countless battles against undead foes and other evil creatures.

For those seeking adventure or a righteous cause to champion, joining the League of Arathor can provide both camaraderie and purpose. But be warned: once you take up arms under their banner, there is no turning back from the path of honor.

Adventure Hook: A village on the outskirts of Lichtachte is being terrorized by an undead army led by one of General Malachi's lieutenants. The villagers beseech the party for help in defending their homes. If successful in repelling this threat, they may find themselves being recruited into the ranks of High Paladin Erathenar's League of Arathor for further missions against the Defilers.

The Shaddowhammer

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[!error ] This is BS all


"Do not underestimate the power of the darkness that lies within. It calls to us, tempts us with promises of great power and unimaginable rewards. We must embrace it, for only then can we truly grasp our destinies." - Dr Phalando

The Shaddowhammer is a secretive and dangerous cult with sinister motives. Led by the enigmatic Volar, they worship the evil god Naruun, who is sealed away in a prison deep within the Endless Caves. The cultists are divided into three parts: the Inner Circle, Outer Circle, and their Army.

Based in the shadowy city of Shadowspire located above Naruun's prison, they perform dark rituals and sacrifices to please their malevolent deity. Their ultimate goal is to free Naruun from his prison so he can spread his influence across the world.

To achieve this end, they have developed a magical bomb capable of causing widespread destruction as a means to offer a massive sacrifice to their god. This act threatens not only countless innocent lives but also risks unleashing an ancient evil upon The Basin.

Many members of The Shaddowhammer are lost souls searching for purpose or seeking revenge on those who have wronged them. They believe that through serving Naruun, they will be rewarded with eternal life or granted other desires such as bringing back lost loved ones from death.

Adventure Hook: The party uncovers information about a plot by The Shaddowhammer to unleash their devastating magical bomb on a major city in The Basin. They must race against time to infiltrate Shadowspire and prevent this catastrophe from occurring while battling fanatical cultists along the way.

The Gifted

[!warning ] This is BS too :D


"Naruun offers us solace in our darkest moments and hope for a brighter future. Through our sacrifices, we prove our devotion, and in turn, we are granted the power to shape our destinies." - Unknown Commoner

The Cult of the Gifted is a group of individuals who worship Naruun. Many of its members have experienced great loss or tragedy in their lives and seek solace through their faith in Naruun. The cult has been gaining power as more people join their ranks, and they have dispatched preachers throughout The Basin to spread their message.

Cult acolytes wear bright white robes with purple stitching as a symbol of their devotion. Their magic often resembles dust and exhibits moth-like behavior. The Cult of the Gifted believes that by sacrificing innocents or offering valuable possessions to Naruun, they will be rewarded with eternal life, supernatural powers, or even the resurrection of lost loved ones.

Their ultimate goal is to please Naruun enough for him to fulfill their wishes and grant them power over life and death. As their influence spreads and more people are drawn into their web of deception, the danger they pose to The Basin grows ever greater.

Adventure Hook: A close friend or family member of one of the party members has gone missing after attending a meeting held by The Cult of the Gifted. The party must investigate this disappearance and uncover the dark secrets hidden within this seemingly benevolent organization.



"We must protect all living creatures from needless suffering at the hands of those who would exploit them for personal gain. Our connection to nature is sacred, and we shall defend it with every ounce of our strength." - Broll Bearmantle

D.E.H.T.A., or Druids for the Ethical and Humane Treatment of Animals, is an organization based in Sturmklau that fights for animal rights and welfare. They are dedicated to preserving the balance between civilization and nature and seek to protect animals from abuse or exploitation.

Members of D.E.H.T.A. are primarily druids, rangers, and other nature-oriented individuals who possess a deep connection to the natural world. They often work behind the scenes to expose and put an end to illegal activities such as poaching, animal fighting rings, or habitat destruction.

By promoting ethical treatment of animals and raising awareness about their plight, D.E.H.T.A. hopes to create a more harmonious relationship between people and the wild creatures that share their world.

Adventure Hook: While traveling through a dense forest, the party comes across a group of poachers illegally hunting endangered species for profit. The group can choose to either help D.E.H.T.A. put an end to these cruel activities or try to profit from the situation themselves by assisting the poachers.

The Moonfair


"Everyone deserves a chance at happiness, no matter how small or fleeting it may be. At The Moonfair, we create a place where dreams come true and joyis shared by all who visit. Come, and leave your troubles behind." - Skelter

The Moonfair is a unique carnival run by misfits, orphans, and outcasts who have banded together to provide joy and entertainment to those in need. Visitors to the fair do not have to pay money for their experience; instead, they are given a ticket upon entering that allows them to purchase items from various stands.

The Moonfair's financial dealings are managed by a group of gremlins who keep track of gifts given to the market. The fair currently owes the gremlins an ever-increasing debt of 50388.3 gold, with a 5% increase every month.

Skelter, a greedy goblin and former member of The Moonfair, travels The Basin as a con artist. He is determined to buy the fair for himself and exploit it for profit.

Adventure Hook: While visiting The Moonfair, the party learns about its growing debt problem and must find a way to help save it from falling into Skelter's greedy hands. They might search for treasure or take on high-paying jobs to raise funds or negotiate new terms with the gremlins.

The Triad

[!warning ] This is BS too :D


"In darkness we thrive, where others falter. We are one in purpose and united in our pursuit of power" - Izen

The Triad is an enigmatic organization that operates from the shadows, seeking power and influence over others through manipulation and subterfuge. Led by Izen, their methods are as secretive as their true motives are unknown.

While little is known about The Triad's ultimate goals or their reasons for seeking power, it's clear they have eyes everywhere across The Basin. They are known to employ spies and assassins in order to gather intelligence on potential threats or opportunities.

> [!seed] Adventure Hook: The party discovers they've inadvertently become entangled in the machinations of The Triad. With their lives and reputations on the line, they must navigate a web of lies and intrigue to uncover the truth behind The Triad's plans and put an end to their schemes.

League of Paranormal Researchers (LPF)


"The unknown is a vast and treacherous realm, but it is our duty to explore it, to learn from it, and to use that knowledge for the betterment of all"- A Researcher

The LPF is a secret organization dedicated to researching paranormal phenomena, supernatural occurrences, and unexplained events. Its members are experts in various fields who work together using academic research to get behind the truth of their fields of interest.

Adventure Hook: The party is contacted by a member of the LPF who believes they have stumbled upon evidence of a powerful supernatural force at work in The Basin. They must help the researcher investigate this phenomenon before it grows too powerful or dangerous to contain.

Darkspear Trolls


"We are born of struggle and hardship, but we will not be broken. As long as one of us still stands, the spirit of our people will endure." - Jamoke

The Darkspear Trolls are a tribe led by Jamoke, a rogue who was forced to leave his tribe after being framed for his father's death. Jamoke's sister, Jaloren, has gone missing and is believed to be mind-controlled by The Shaddowhammer cult.

Jamoke's goal is to save his sister and put an end to the cult's machinations. He seeks clues to her whereabouts, such as a gemstone that can track her, reconnecting with the Loas, and gathering information from Horde Camps.

Adventure Hook: The party encounters Jamoke while investigating The Shaddowhammer cult. They must decide whether to help him rescue his sister and thwart the cult or use the situation to their advantage.

The Lost Hops


"Their beer brings joy even in the darkest times, a testament to their skill and dedication. It is a rare pleasure indeed." - Lord Ander

The Lost Hops is a secret underground smuggling operation that poses as a group of traveling brewers. Their goal is to steal from the rich and provide contraband items for the poor. Led by Helena, an expert in subterfuge and stealth, they are based in Duesternest.

The organization is divided into two groups led by Mom and Dad, totaling 40 members. Members undergo a ritual called the Name, which erases their memories of their past identities, allowing them to fully embrace their new lives within The Lost Hops.

While they maintain good relations with the city guard, there is always a risk of discovery and retribution from those they steal from. Still, The Lost Hops continues to operate, bringing hope and aid to those who need it most.

Adventure Hook: The party learns of The Lost Hops' secret operation and must decide whether to assist them in their endeavors or turn them in for a potential reward from the authorities or wealthy victims.

The Goats


"The pursuit of knowledge often comes at a cost, but the advancements we make may one day save countless lives." - A Noble

The Goats are a mercenary organization specializing in organ harvesting and creative medical procedures. Run by a small group of upper management called Cooks, they have a clear hierarchical structure and chain of command.

Their goals are to make money and advance the state of medical knowledge through any means necessary. They use well-oiled machinery to harvest organs and conduct experiments on unwilling subjects.

The inner circle members, known as Cutters, are given the most difficult and dangerous jobs. They also receive a special mutagen that bestows them with the lycanthropy curse to enhance their abilities.

The Goats are in conflict with The Lost Hops due to their opposing goals but remain focused on furthering their own aims regardless of any obstacles.

Adventure Hook: A close friend or family member falls victim to The Goats' organ harvesting operation. The party must track down this ruthless organization and put an end to their grisly deeds while potentially uncovering disturbing secrets about the world's medical practices.


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