Edard Combell


Edard is a tall man with a strong build, giving him an imposing presence. He has short-cropped dark hair that contrasts sharply with his pale complexion. His eyes are a piercing ice blue, and he always seems to be studying his surroundings intently. Edard typically wears dark robes adorned with symbols of Naruun's power in silver embroidery. His clothing is practical and functional, reflecting his no-nonsense attitude towards achieving his goals.

Quick Reference

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Edard Combell Human Mage Founding member of The Gifted, driven by ambition and the pursuit of power.

  • Motivation: Power, Completion of the Turnback ritual, Resurrection of lost loved ones
  • Ideals: Devotion, Determination, Loyalty
  • Bonds: Co-founder of The Gifted, Deep bond with Iraia, Strong connection with Naruun
  • Flaws: Ambitious to a fault, Manipulative

  • Roleplaying Tips: Emphasize Edard's ambitious nature and strategic thinking; use connections with Iraia and Naruun to create tension or conflict; portray him as loyal but willing to do whatever it takes for their goals.
  • Quirk: Tendency to speak in cryptic riddles or metaphors.

"We must seize every opportunity for power if we are to fulfill our destiny as The Gifted. Together we will bring true change to this world." - Edard Combell


Edard's primary motivation is the pursuit of power and the completion of the Turnback ritual. He seeks to resurrect lost loved ones and bring about a new era of prosperity for The Gifted. His ambitious nature drives him to push the boundaries of what is possible in order to achieve their divine purpose.


Edard values devotion, determination, and loyalty above all else. He believes that by working together as a unified force under Naruun's guidance, The Gifted can overcome any obstacle and reshape the world in their vision.


As the sun sets over The Basin, the followers of The Gifted gather at Silken Sanctuary. Among them, a tall figure stands out - Edard Combell, co-founder of this enigmatic group. His piercing gaze scans the crowd, searching for any sign of disloyalty. Little do they know that he and Iraia are secretly working towards resurrecting an ancient god.


Edard Combell is a co-founder of The Gifted, a religious group that worships Naruun, the God of Death. He shares a deep bond with Iraia, another founding member who receives visions from Naruun. Together, they lead their followers in secret rituals and sacrifices to help bring about the resurrection of their god and complete the Turnback Ritual.

Notable Locations:

  • Silken Sanctuary: The headquarters of The Gifted, located near Maerhof in The Basin. This is where Edard Combell and Iraia oversee their followers' activities and conduct secret rituals.

Notable Figures:

  • Iraia: Co-founder of The Gifted and close ally to Edard Combell; she receives visions from Naruun and guides their followers.

Politics and Economy:

As a leader within The Gifted, Edard Combell works closely with Iraia to maintain control over their followers. They hold considerable influence within their ranks but must balance this power carefully to avoid drawing unwanted attention from those who oppose Naruun or their activities.


Edard Combell's past remains shrouded in mystery; however, it is known that he helped establish The Gifted alongside Iraia after they both received visions from Naruun. Since then, they have dedicated themselves to furthering the goals of their god and ensuring the success of the Turnback Ritual.

Culture and Religion:

Edard Combell is devoted to Naruun, the God of Death, and holds unwavering belief in the power of The Gifted. He expects loyalty and dedication from his followers, as he believes that their faith will ultimately bring about the resurrection of Naruun and completion of the Turnback Ritual.

Threats and Rumors:

Warning, Caution, Attention

Edard Combell's true intentions are not widely known among The Gifted's followers. If his secret agenda were revealed, it could lead to chaos within their ranks and potentially even their downfall.

Campaign Connections:

As a leader within The Gifted, Edard Combell may serve as a powerful ally or formidable enemy for adventurers who become entangled in the group's activities. His devotion to Naruun and the Turnback Ritual could lead him to seek out powerful artifacts or forge alliances with other factions that share his goals.

Geography and Climate:

The Gifted's headquarters, Silken Sanctuary, is located near Maerhof in The Basin. This area is characterized by its vast plains and temperate climate - ideal conditions for maintaining a low profile while conducting secretive rituals.


Notable Locations:

  • Silken Sanctuary: Headquarters of The Gifted

Notable Figures:

  • Iraia: Co-founder of The Gifted and close ally to Edard Combell

Threats & Rumors:

  • Edard Combell's secret agenda could lead to chaos within The Gifted


Edard can be blinded by his own ambition, sometimes causing him to take unnecessary risks or make questionable decisions. He can also be manipulative when it comes to achieving his goals, justifying his actions as being for the greater good.


Edard has a tendency to speak in cryptic riddles or metaphors, often leaving those around him puzzled or intrigued by his words.

Roleplaying Tips

  • Emphasize Edard's ambitious nature and strategic thinking when portraying him.
  • Use Edard's connections with Iraia and Naruun to create tension or conflict within the group.
  • Portray him as loyal to The Gifted but willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.


Edard was born into a noble family who believed strongly in the power of magic. He was trained from a young age in both combat and arcane arts, showing great potential in both areas. When he met Iraia and learned of her visions from Naruun, he saw an opportunity for true power and joined her in founding The Gifted. Together they have worked tirelessly to build their following and pursue their divine goals.

Role in the campaign

Edard serves as a strong leader within The Gifted, working closely with Iraia to guide their followers and achieve their goals. His strategic thinking and powerful abilities can help the players navigate difficult situations or make difficult choices for the greater good.

Seed, Adventure Hook

Edard learns of a rival faction attempting to steal a powerful artifact that could be used in the Turnback ritual. He tasks the players with retrieving the artifact before it falls into enemy hands, setting them on a dangerous mission that could have far-reaching consequences.


  • Edard's relationship with Iraia is one of deep trust and loyalty, forged through their years of working together to build The Gifted.
  • His connection to Naruun is strong, as he believes the god has granted him power and knowledge beyond what most mortals can comprehend.


  • Edard is known for his prowess in both combat and arcane arts.
  • He has an extensive knowledge of ancient languages and magical texts, often using this information to further The Gifted's goals.

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