The Gifted

The Gifted are a religious grouping that has spread throughout The Basin, gathering followers and growing in power. They worship Naruun as the God of Death, whom they believe can resurrect and grant wishes to those who serve him faithfully. The grouping is primarily made up of people who have lost someone important in their lives, seeking solace and hope in Naruun's promises. As more join their ranks, they continue to gain influence and power throughout The Basin.

Quick Reference

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The Gifted A religious organization that worships Naruun, seeking resurrection and wishes in exchange for devotion.

  • Ideals: Faith, Hope, Sacrifice
  • Goals: Complete the Turnback ritual to resurrect lost loved ones and revert undead creatures to their original human forms.
  • Beliefs: Naruun can grant eternal life or resurrection in exchange for loyalty and sacrifices; the Turnback ritual will bring back lost loved ones.

  • History: The grouping has been gaining influence and power throughout The Basin as more people join it due to grief or loss.
  • Roleplaying Tips: Act empathetic and comforting towards those suffering; keep sacrificial rituals hidden from public eye; focus on devotion to Naruun.


The grouping has multiple layers of appearance. To the public, the Acolytes of the Gifted are seen wearing bright white robes adorned with intricate purple stitching. These robes serve as a symbol of their devotion to Naruun and help them stand out among other religious groups.

In their private circles, however, a more mystical side emerges. The magic used by the Gifted resembles dust swirling through the air and has an ethereal quality to it. Their rituals often involve light-induced trances that transport participants into otherworldly visions or experiences.

Concept art: A fantasy priest with moth-inspired garments


The Gifted worships Naruun as the true god of death, believing he holds dominion over life and death itself. They see him not as an evil force but as a benevolent deity who can grant them their deepest desires in exchange for their devotion.

Members believe that by serving Naruun faithfully and making the necessary sacrifices, they will be rewarded with eternal life or the resurrection of their lost loved ones. This powerful belief is what drives many to join the Gifted, seeking solace and hope in Naruun's promises.

Their ultimate goal is to complete a powerful magical ritual they call the Turnback. They believe this ritual will not only bring back all those who have died in The Basin but also revert every undead creature back to its original human form. To achieve this, they need to gather enough Soul energy and construct a massive apparatus somewhere in The Basin that channels Naruun's power.


To spread their influence throughout The Basin, members often travel from place to place, acting as preachers and healers. They offer aid and comfort to those suffering from grief or loss, using their empathetic nature and promises of resurrection to draw new followers into their ranks.

Their Headquarters Silken Sanctuary is located near Maerhof.

While they present themselves as a non-violent faction focused on healing and restoration, they are not without secrets. In order to fuel their Turnback ritual and gain favor with Naruun, members engage in sacrificial rites that involve innocent individuals or even undead creatures. These sacrifices are kept hidden from the public eye but provide the soul energy needed for their grand plan.


The Gifted is organized into several tiers, each with its own responsibilities and privileges. At the lowest level are Acolytes who serve as missionaries and healers throughout The Basin. Above them are Preachers who lead congregations in worship and rituals dedicated to Naruun.

Higher-ranking members include Elders who oversee multiple congregations within a region, guiding them in their pursuit of Naruun's blessings. The inner circle comprises high-ranking priests known as Fulfillers who act as direct intermediaries between Naruun and his followers, receiving visions and instructions from the god himself.

At the very top are Iraia and Edard Combell.

Relationships with Other Factions

The Gifted has a complex relationship with other factions in The Basin. While they are generally seen as a non-violent and benevolent force by many, their secretive nature and hidden rituals have also attracted suspicion and distrust.

One notable offshoot faction is The Shaddowhammer, who share similar goals with the Gifted but have chosen to follow a darker path. They harness the powers of Ilsensine, an Eldritch deity, to achieve their aims, often clashing with members of Naruun's faithful.

Despite their differences and occasional conflicts, both factions ultimately serve Naruun's will in their own way, making them uneasy allies at times when facing common enemies or pursuing shared objectives.

Adventure Hooks

The Gifted offers numerous opportunities for adventure hooks within your adventuring party.

Seed: Uncovering the Truth

The party stumbles upon a hidden sacrificial ritual performed by the Gifted. What will they do with this newfound information, and how will it change their perception of the seemingly benevolent faction?

Seed: Desperate Bargains

A grieving individual in a village the party is visiting approaches them, seeking help in joining the Gifted to bring back their lost loved one. Will the adventurers assist them, try to dissuade them from joining, or uncover more about their true nature in the process?

Seed: Investigating Disappearances

The party is hired by a concerned family to find their missing relative who has recently joined the Gifted. As they delve deeper into their investigation, they begin to uncover more about the group's secretive activities and hidden rituals.


League of Paranormal Researchers and The Gifted

The League of Paranormal Researchers (LPF) has taken a great interest in studying both Nosem and the mysterious powers of The Gifted. They suspect that there may be a connection between the two phenomena, but they have yet to uncover any concrete evidence.


Members of the LPF have been conducting secret experiments on people with high ambitions in an attempt to provoke Nosem energy. This research may lead them closer to understanding the nature of The Gifted's powers.

In their pursuit for answers, some members of the LPF have infiltrated The Gifted, hoping to learn more about their abilities and their connection to Naruun. However, they must tread carefully, for if their true intentions are discovered, they could be branded as enemies by both The Gifted and Naruun.

Adventure Hook

The party is hired by the LPF to help them investigate The Gifted and their connection to Nosem energy. This mission could bring them into direct conflict with The Gifted, or perhaps even forge new alliances.


"The Gifted may hold the key to unlocking the true nature of Nosem energy, and perhaps even a way to stop Naruun. We must learn all we can from them, even if it means risking our lives." - A member of the LPF infiltrating The Gifted.



Iraia is one of the highest-ranking members and leaders of the Gifted, alongside Edard Combell. She is a powerful seer and healer who receives visions directly from Naruun, guiding the faction's activities and decisions.


Iraia is empathetic and compassionate, often extending a comforting hand to those who have experienced loss. However, she is also deeply devoted to Naruun and will not hesitate to take drastic measures in order to fulfill his wishes.


Iraia's primary goal is to complete the Turnback ritual, believing it will bring back lost loved ones and restore balance in the Basin.

Edard Combell

Edard Combell is another high-ranking leader within the Gifted. He works closely with Iraia, carrying out her visions and providing strategic guidance for their followers.


Edard is charismatic and persuasive, able to rally people around him with ease. He genuinely believes in the promises of Naruun but can sometimes be blinded by his own ambitions.


Like Iraia, Edard seeks to complete the Turnback ritual. However, he also harbors personal ambitions for power within the faction and beyond.

Rhaegar Shaddowhammer

Rhaegar Shaddowhammer is the leader of the offshoot faction known as The Shaddowhammer. He was once a member of The Gifted but split off due to ideological differences regarding Ilsensine's influence on their goals.


Rhaegar is ruthless and cunning, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Despite his darker nature, he still holds a deep respect for The Gifted and their shared devotion to Naruun.


Rhaegar's primary goal is to harness the power of Ilsensine to complete the Turnback ritual and resurrect his lost family, regardless of the cost.

Dr. Elara Tavish

Dr. Elara Tavish is a member of the League of Paranormal Researchers who has infiltrated The Gifted. She is conducting secret experiments on Nosem energy, hoping to discover a connection between it and the powers wielded by The Gifted.


Dr. Tavish is intelligent and resourceful, driven by her curiosity about the nature of Nosem energy and its potential applications. She can be secretive and guarded, especially when it comes to her true intentions within The Gifted.


Dr. Tavish's primary goal is to uncover the truth behind Nosem energy and its connection with The Gifted, potentially using this knowledge to stop Naruun's plans for destruction.


Silken Sanctuary

The Silken Sanctuary is the hidden headquarters of The Gifted, located near Maerhof. It serves as a place for members to gather, worship Naruun, and conduct their secretive rituals in privacy.


The Silken Sanctuary appears as an unassuming building from the outside but reveals a beautifully crafted interior adorned with silk tapestries depicting scenes of resurrection and Naruun's benevolence. Hidden chambers within provide space for rituals and sacrifices away from prying eyes.


Edschmied is an underground city beneath Maerhof where the apparatus for the Turnback ritual is being constructed by members of The Gifted. It is heavily guarded and access to it is highly restricted.


Edschmied appears as an ancient city carved into the stone, with winding tunnels and chambers filled with strange machinery and arcane symbols. The air is thick with the scent of incense and the hum of magical energy, as members work tirelessly to complete their grand plan.


Maerhof is a bustling city in The Basin, serving as a hub for trade, commerce, and religion. The Gifted has established a strong presence here, attracting many followers and sympathizers.


Maerhof is a lively city with diverse architecture reflecting its history and various inhabitants. Temples to numerous gods stand alongside marketplaces and homes, while secret meetings of The Gifted occur in hidden corners and quiet alleys.


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