Broll Bearmantle

The sun sets over Sturmklau, casting long shadows on the city's ancient walls. In the heart of the city, a figure stands tall and imposing, his bear-like features both awe-inspiring and intimidating. As he speaks, his deep voice resonates with the power of nature itself, reminding all who listen that they are part of something greater.

Broll Bearmantle is the Head Druid of Sturmklau, a city deeply connected to nature. An elf with a bear-like appearance and a deep, rumbling voice, Broll leads the research on hatching the Last Forest Dragon Egg and is heavily involved with D.E.H.T.A. (Druids for the Ethical and Humane Treatment of Animals). He is seen as a protector of both his people and nature itself.

Role in Campaign:

Broll Bearmantle can serve as a quest giver or ally for players who seek to protect nature or help with hatching the Last Forest Dragon Egg. His involvement with D.E.H.T.A. could also lead to quests centered around animal rights or ecology preservation.



Broll Bearmantle was born in Sturmklau, a city deeply connected to nature. He spent his childhood learning about the local flora and fauna, and his passion for the natural world only grew as he aged. Eventually, Broll became a druid, dedicating himself to preserving the balance of nature.

Over the years, Broll's wisdom and dedication earned him the title of Head Druid of Sturmklau. He became involved with D.E.H.T.A., using his influence to protect animals from cruelty and exploitation. When he discovered the existence of the Last Forest Dragon Egg, Broll knew that hatching it could help restore balance in nature.


  • Dr. Phalando: An old friend who shares knowledge about the Forge of Chaos; mutual respect for each other's abilities.
  • The people of Sturmklau: As their Head Druid, Broll holds an important place within his community.
  • D.E.H.T.A.: As a member of this organization, Broll has connections with other druids and animal rights activists in Sturmklau.

Secret Knowledge

Broll Bearmantle knows about a hidden location called the Forge of Chaos that is rumored to have powerful artifacts capable of hatching the Last Forest Dragon Egg.



"Nature's fury takes many forms, but I prefer mine to be that of a bear." Broll Bearmantle is an imposing figure among the elves of Sturmklau. Standing tall with broad shoulders and a muscular build, he resembles a bear more than an elf. His thick beard and hair further accentuate this resemblance. Broll's eyes are a piercing green, reflecting his deep connection to nature.

Roleplaying Guide

When roleplaying Broll, emphasize his deep connection to nature by speaking in a calm yet powerful tone, like the rumble of an approaching storm. He is wise and knowledgeable but can become stern when discussing matters of nature or animal welfare.

Personality Traits

Broll Bearmantle is deeply connected to nature, and his dedication to preserving its balance is unwavering. He believes that all creatures deserve respect, protection, and fair treatment. These ideals drive him to work tirelessly for the people of Sturmklau and the animals he has sworn to protect.

However, Broll's overprotective nature can sometimes lead him to be overly cautious when it comes to safeguarding those he cares about. His intimidating presence can also be off-putting or even frightening to some.

Goals and Motivations

Broll's primary goals are hatching the Last Forest Dragon Egg and protecting all creatures through his work with D.E.H.T.A.. He believes that maintaining balance in nature is crucial for all life and that all creatures deserve respect, protection, and fair treatment.


Broll has a habit of scratching behind his ear like a bear when deep in thought or agitated, which sets him apart from others and makes him memorable.


  • Broll has an extensive knowledge of herbs and plants native to Sturmklau.
  • Despite his intimidating appearance, Broll enjoys listening to gentle music played on wooden flutes.
  • Broll has a soft spot for orphaned animals, often taking them under his care until they are strong enough to survive on their own.
Seed, Adventure Hook

Players are tasked with helping Broll Bearmantle hatch the Last Forest Dragon Egg while navigating through various challenges posed by opposing factions or wild creatures that stand in their way.


Quick Refference

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Broll Bearmantle Elf Druid Elf with bear-like features, broad shoulders, muscular build, thick beard, and piercing green eyes.

  • Motivation: Hatching the Last Forest Dragon Egg, protecting animals and nature.
  • Ideals: Nature's Balance, Animal Welfare.
  • Bonds: People of Sturmklau, Dr. Phalando, D.E.H.T.A.
  • Flaws: Overprotective, Intimidating Presence.

  • Roleplaying Tips: Calm yet powerful tone; wise and knowledgeable but stern on nature-related matters.
  • Quirk: Scratches behind his ear like a bear when deep in thought or agitated.
Quick Refference

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Broll Bearmantle Elf Druid Elf with bear-like features, broad shoulders, muscular build, thick beard, and piercing green eyes.

  • Primary goals: Hatching the Last Forest Dragon Egg, protecting animals and nature.
  • Relations: People of Sturmklau, Dr. Phalando, D.E.H.T.A.
  • Secret Knowledge: Aware of hidden location called the Forge of Chaos.

  • Personality Traits: Deep connection to nature, overprotective, intimidating presence.
  • Quirk: Scratches behind his ear like a bear when deep in thought or agitated.
  • Roleplaying: Calm yet powerful tone; wise and knowledgeable but stern on nature-related matters.

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