The Goats

A Small incision here, a cut there. A few moments later the mercenary holds the eye of a hyppogryph in his hands. "This will fetch a good premium." he whispers to himself and slits away his scalpel. He steps away from the corpse of the hyppogryph, its body almost torn to shreds, but around the head the fur is clean and the cuts barely bleed. The mercenary makes his way back to town, eager to fulfill his contract.


The Goats are a notorious mercenary organization that specializes in organ harvesting and creative medical procedures. They have been in business for years, developing a wide network of contacts and clients who seek their unique services. The organization is highly hierarchical, with a clear chain of command, and has found itself in conflict with another faction known as The Lost Hops due to their opposing goals.

Quick Reference

guild_symbol_goats_head_with_a_curved_dagger_in_its_.png| 300

The Goats A mercenary organization specializing in organ harvesting and creative medical procedures.

  • Ideals: Profit, advancement of medical knowledge, loyalty within ranks.
  • Goals: Making money through selling harvested organs and conducting experiments to push the boundaries of medical science.
  • Beliefs: Morally questionable practices are necessary for progress; loyalty within the organization is paramount.

  • Leadership: The Cooks, a small group of upper management responsible for acquiring contracts and overseeing operations.
  • Allies: Underground criminal organizations, corrupt government officials seeking their services.
  • Enemies: The Lost Hops, who oppose their morally dubious practices and represent the interests of the poor and disadvantaged.

  • History: Shrouded in mystery; possibly began as a group of rogue physicians or an offshoot of an ancient cult dedicated to forbidden medical knowledge.
  • Roleplaying Tips: Ruthless dedication to profit and advancement of medical knowledge; adhere to strict hierarchy and loyalty code. Display subtle signs or tokens indicating membership in this secret society.


The symbol of the Goats is a goat's head with a curved knife in its mouth, which can often be found on the clothing or equipment of its members. Their attire tends to be dark and inconspicuous, allowing them to blend into shadows and move unseen through cities and towns.

Goals and Motivation

The primary goal of the Goats is to make money through selling harvested organs on the black market. This provides a lucrative income for the organization, allowing them to invest in further research into advancements in medical knowledge.

In addition to financial gain, the Goats are driven by a desire to push the boundaries of medical science by conducting experiments on harvested organs. These experiments often involve new surgical techniques or treatments that may not be approved by mainstream medicine.

Values and Beliefs

Members of the Goats are typically ruthless individuals who value profit above all else. They view their work as necessary for advancing medical science, even if it involves morally questionable practices such as organ harvesting from unwilling subjects.

Despite their nefarious activities, there is an unspoken code among members of the Goats: loyalty within their ranks is paramount. Betrayal within the organization is punishable by death.


The primary activity of the Goats involves fulfilling contracts for organ harvesting, which can range from magical creatures such as hippogriffs to humanoids if they have entered into agreements with clients seeking specific organs. Once a contract has been accepted, Cutters - specialized mercenaries - are dispatched to complete the task.

The Goats also engage in various illicit medical procedures and experiments, often using the organs they have harvested for their research. These activities are usually conducted in secret, hidden facilities away from prying eyes.


The Goats' organization is highly structured, with a clear hierarchy of ranks:

  • Cooks: The upper management of the organization responsible for acquiring contracts and overseeing operations.
  • Stitchers: Middlemen who facilitate communication between Cooks and Cutters, as well as managing logistics.
  • Cutters: Mercenaries responsible for carrying out organ harvesting and other contracted Tasks for the Group.
  • Bleeders: Apprentices to the Cutters who assist in organ harvesting and disposing of bodies.


The Goats have a variety of relationships with other factions, both positive and negative. Their primary conflict is with The Lost Hops, a faction that represents the interests of the poor and opposes the Goats' morally dubious practices.

Other relationships within the world may include connections with underground criminal organizations or even corrupt members of government who utilize their services for personal gain.


The origins of the Goats are shrouded in mystery. Some speculate that they were once a group of rogue physicians who turned to crime after being ostracized by their peers. Others believe they are an offshoot of an ancient cult dedicated to researching forbidden medical knowledge. Regardless of their beginnings, they have grown into a formidable mercenary organization over time.

Roleplaying Tips

When roleplaying members of the Goats, consider their dedication to profit and advancing medical knowledge above all else. They may be ruthless but should still adhere to their strict hierarchy and code of loyalty within the organization.

Quirk: Members might display subtle signs or tokens indicating membership in this secret society such as tattoos or hidden charms bearing their goat's head symbol.

Plot Hook

A mysterious benefactor hires the PCs to infiltrate the Goats and retrieve crucial information about their operations. The PCs must use their skills and wits to infiltrate the organization, uncover its secrets, and avoid being caught or killed by the ruthless members of the Goats.

As they delve deeper into the organization, they may discover hidden layers of intrigue, such as the inner circle of elite Cutters who have access to a powerful mutagen that grants them lycanthropy. The PCs may decide whether to expose these secrets or exploit them for their own gain.

Overall, the Goats can serve as an exciting and morally complex antagonist faction for any fantasy campaign involving underground criminal organizations or morally ambiguous medical practices.


The Lost Hops work against the Goats due to their different views. While The Lost Hops stand up for the poor and disadvantaged, the Goats prioritize profit above all else. This conflict could provide a backdrop for a campaign exploring themes of power and morality in a world where both factions vie for control.


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