High Paladin Erathenar

Erathenar is the leader of the League of Arathor and the High Paladin of Lichtachte. He is a just and honorable man, and he will stop at nothing to protect his people. He is a skilled warrior and a powerful paladin, and he has led the League to many victories against the Defilers.

Quick Reference

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High Paladin Erathenar Human Paladin The courageous and honorable leader of the League of Arathor and High Paladin of Lichtachte.

  • Motivation: Protecting his people, eradicating Defilers, upholding justice and honor
  • Ideals: Justice, honor, loyalty, courage, integrity
  • Bonds: League of Arathor, Trollbans Hold, people of Lichtachte
  • Flaws: Uncompromising pursuit of justice, overconfidence

  • Roleplaying Tips: Portray Erathenar as a just and honorable leader with unwavering dedication to his people; emphasize his courage and determination when facing powerful enemies.
  • Quirk: Often quotes inspirational sayings about justice and honor during conversations.


High Paladin Erathenar is a tall, muscular man with a regal bearing, clad in shining gold-and-white armor adorned with ornamental symbols of justice. His long, flowing hair is the color of sunlight, and his piercing blue eyes seem to see through any deception.


Erathenar's primary motivation is the protection of his people and the eradication of the Defilers that threaten them. He also seeks to uphold justice and honor throughout Lichtachte, ensuring that everyone under his rule is treated fairly.


Erathenar firmly believes in justice and honor above all else. He values loyalty, courage, and integrity in both himself and those he leads. He will always stand up for what is right, even when it's difficult or dangerous.


Erathenar's strongest bond is with the League of Arathor, which he leads with unwavering dedication. He also has strong ties to Trollbans Hold, his birthplace, as well as the people of Lichtachte whom he protects.


Erathenar can sometimes be uncompromising in his pursuit of justice, which may lead him to make enemies or overlook potential allies if they don't meet his high standards. Additionally, he can be overconfident at times due to his many victories against formidable foes.


Erathenar often quotes inspirational sayings about honor and justice during conversations.


As High Paladin Erathenar interacts with the PCs, emphasize his unwavering dedication to justice and honor. He may ask the PCs for their help in defeating the Defilers or protecting the people of Lichtachte, and he'll expect them to act with integrity and courage in all situations.


Born a commoner in Trollbans Hold, Erathenar developed a strong sense of justice and courage early in life. He joined the defenders of Trollbans Hold as a young man, eventually being chosen as the leader of the newly formed League of Arathor. Under his command, the League earned respect throughout Lichtachte by defeating numerous Defilers.

Role in the campaign

Erathenar could serve as a quest-giver or an ally to the PCs during their adventures in Lichtachte. He might request their assistance against powerful enemies such as sorcerers or necromancers threatening his people or ask them to investigate corruption within his own ranks.


As leader of the League of Arathor, Erathenar has connections with many influential figures throughout Lichtachte. He is widely respected for his bravery and leadership, making him a valuable ally for those who share his values. However, those who oppose him or act dishonorably may find themselves facing off against High Paladin Erathenar's righteous wrath.


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