Wallaricus the Wise

Have you heard the stories about Wallaricus the Wise?" a young student whispered to his friend as they sat in the temple halls. "They say he has the knowledge of a thousand scholars and can see through any deception. But there's also something unsettling about him, like he's constantly on guard against some unseen threat. I wonder what secrets he hides behind those wise, watchful eyes."


Wallaricus was Ransden's first teacher. Rensden only wanted to see the world and get away from his Uncle's court. Wallaricus one of the wisest priests of Lichtachte but also a very suspicious person. He taught Rensden the teachings of the priests after toiling as an assistant for two years.

Quick Reference

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Wallaricus the Wise Human Priest A wise and suspicious High Priest of Lichtachte, mentor to Ransden, and ally of Broll Bearmantle.

  • Motivation: Knowledge, protection of students
  • Ideals: Knowledge is power, teaching others
  • Bonds: Ransden (student), Broll Bearmantle (ally)
  • Flaws: Too trusting at times

  • Roleplaying Tips: Emphasize wisdom and experience while also portraying a suspicious nature; show genuine concern for those he cares about.
  • Quirk: Constantly looking over his shoulder


Wallaricus is driven by his thirst for knowledge and desire to protect his students. He believes that knowledge is power and seeks to learn all he can about the world.


Wallaricus believes in the power of knowledge and that it should be used to benefit others. He is dedicated to teaching others and passing on his wisdom.


He feels a strong bond with his students, including Ransden, whom he taught the ways of the priesthood after Ransden worked as his assistant for two years. Wallaricus also knows Broll Bearmantle and wants to assist him in achieving his goals.


Despite his suspicious nature, Wallaricus can be too trusting of people at times. This flaw has led him into dangerous situations in the past.


Wallaricus has a habit of constantly looking over his shoulder, giving him a somewhat paranoid appearance.

Roleplaying Tips

When roleplaying Wallaricus, emphasize his wisdom and experience while also portraying his suspicious nature. He should be cautious around new people but show genuine concern for those he cares about.


Wallaricus is one of the High Priests of Lichtachte, revered for his wisdom and dedication to teaching others. As Ransden's first teacher, he played an influential role in Ransden's life by introducing him to the teachings of the priesthood. However, their relationship was not without its challenges due to Wallaricus' suspicious nature.

In addition to being a respected priest, Wallaricus harbors a deep hatred for undead creatures. This hatred stems from a traumatic experience in his past, which could be explored further during the campaign.

Role in the campaign

Wallaricus can serve as a mentor figure for the party, providing guidance and support when needed. His connection to Broll Bearmantle and Ransden can help tie the characters together and drive the plot forward. Additionally, his hatred of undead creatures could lead to interesting encounters with necromancers or other dark forces.

GM Tip

Wallaricus can be used as an mentor who provides valuable information and resources to the players as they investigate Naruun's influence on the war. He may also become a target for those who wish to suppress this knowledge.


  • Ransden: Wallaricus was Ransden's first teacher and helped him escape from his Uncle's court. They share a bond as student and mentor, despite some tension caused by Wallaricus' suspicious nature.
  • Broll Bearmantle: Wallaricus knows Broll and wants to help him achieve his goals. Their relationship could be built upon during the campaign.
  • Lichtachte: As one of its High Priests, Wallaricus is an important figure within the religious organization of Lichtachte.



  • Wallaricus is an expert in ancient languages and texts, making him a valuable resource for deciphering mysterious artifacts or uncovering long-lost knowledge.
  • He is known to have connections with various factions throughout The Basin, which he uses to gather information and forge alliances.
  • Wallaricus has recently discovered an ancient prophecy that may be connected to Naruun's manipulation of the war within The Basin. He is seeking more information before revealing his findings.
  • The Library of Echoes: A hidden library within Lichtachte that houses Wallaricus' extensive collection of books, scrolls, and artifacts.

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