Dr Phalando

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the quaint town of Falk, a mysterious glimmer flickers from the crest of a nearby hill. Perched atop this remote peak, the peculiar laboratory of Dr. Phalando stands as a beacon in the twilight.

Inside this labyrinth of knowledge, amidst shelves laden with ancient tomes and tables strewn with mystical artifacts, Dr. Phalando ceaselessly delves into the depths of arcane wisdom. His tireless pursuit: to unlock the hidden powers that lay dormant within these relics and safeguard them from those who would wield their might for malevolent ends. In this secluded sanctuary, a dance between darkness and light unfolds as secrets are unearthed and shadows cast aside by the unwavering will of the eccentric sorcerer.

Dr. Phalando is an intriguing figure in the town of Falk, known for his brilliance and peculiar nature as an undead scholar. He has taken on the responsibility of guarding a dangerous secret hidden within his hilltop home - the entrance to the dreaded Forge of Chaos. The weight of this burden defines his motivations and relationships with those around him.

Quick Reference

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Dr. Phalando Undead Wizard Eccentric professor in Falk guarding the entrance to the Forge of Chaos.

  • Motivation: Protecting the secret, pursuing arcane knowledge, ensuring powerful artifacts don't fall into wrong hands
  • Ideals: Knowledge, Secrecy
  • Bonds: Broll Bearmantle, Gargula
  • Flaws: Eccentricity, Paranoia

  • Roleplaying Tips: Appear distracted or absent-minded but eager to share knowledge when prompted; friendly and helpful but paranoid and secretive about certain topics.
  • Quirk: Always carries around a small notebook filled with illegible scribbles and doodles.



Throughout his life, Dr. Phalando has dedicated himself to studying arcane lore and magical artifacts while residing in Falk. He discovered the entrance to the Forge of Chaos beneath his home and made it his mission to protect this dangerous secret at all costs. Over time, he gained a reputation as an eccentric but brilliant professor, with few understanding the true burden he carries.


Dr. Phalando's relationships are shaped by his secret and his pursuits. His connections include:

  • Broll Bearmantle: An old friend who knows about Dr. Phalando's secret and shares a mutual respect for each other's knowledge and abilities.
  • Gargula: A quirky old lady who sells magical trinkets in Falk, with whom Dr. Phalando has fallen deeply in love.
  • Townsfolk of Falk: Generally well-regarded by Falk's residents, they appreciate his intelligence and assistance, despite not fully understanding his eccentric behavior or secretive nature.
  • Defilers: The undead faction of Falk is aware of Dr. Phalando but remains uninvolved with him directly, although this could change if the Forge of Chaos secret is revealed.

Secret Investigation

Dr. Phalando is secretly investigating an individual in town who has been trying to learn more about the Forge of Chaos. He needs to uncover their identity before they discover its secrets or cause harm to themselves or others.



Dr. Phalando appears as an older gentleman with wild, unkempt gray hair and a long beard that reaches down to his chest. He wears thick-rimmed glasses that magnify his intelligent, curious eyes. His tattered robe is adorned with various pockets and straps for holding tools and vials, contributing to a disheveled appearance that belies his air of authority.

Roleplaying Guide

When portraying Dr. Phalando, emphasize his intelligence and eccentricity through distracted or absent-minded behavior while remaining eager to share knowledge when prompted. Although he can be paranoid and secretive about certain topics - especially the Forge of Chaos - he should generally come across as friendly and helpful to those seeking aid.

Personality Traits

Driven by the pursuit of knowledge, Dr. Phalando comes across as eccentric or even mad at times. He is passionate about protecting secrets and keeping dangerous information hidden for the greater good. His bonds with Broll Bearmantle and Gargula are important and should be showcased in interactions with them, while his paranoia makes him suspicious of others' intentions.

Goals and Motivations

Dr. Phalando's primary goals involve protecting the secret of the Forge of Chaos, pursuing arcane knowledge, and ensuring that powerful artifacts do not fall into the wrong hands. These motivations shape his actions and interactions with other characters.


Always carrying a small notebook filled with illegible scribbles and doodles adds a memorable aspect to Dr. Phalando's character.


  • Dr. Phalando is known to have an extensive collection of rare books and scrolls on various arcane subjects.
  • He has been seen experimenting with alchemical concoctions late into the night.
  • Despite his undead nature, he enjoys partaking in weekly competitions held in Falk alongside the living townsfolk.
Adventure Hook

The players are tasked with delivering a package containing a powerful artifact to Dr. Phalando in Falk. Upon their arrival, they discover that he refuses to accept it, setting off a chain of events that lead them deeper into an adventure involving ancient secrets and untold power.


Dr. Phalando has discovered that someone within the town has been trying to learn more about the Forge of Chaos - he must find out who this person is before they uncover its secrets or bring harm upon themselves or others.


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