The Fulfiller

The Fulfiller is an old Hag who lived since before the imprisonment of Naruun. She lives from feeding bad emotions, similar to Naruun. Since Naruun the very existance and acting of Naruun provided the Fulfiller with many dreams beeing shattered, she sympathises with the old god and wants to free him again, so that he can start feeding off of the bad emotions of people again.

Quick Reference

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The Fulfiller Ancient Hag A manipulative hag who feeds off bad emotions and causes despair through false promises.

  • Motivation: Feed on bad emotions, free Naruun
  • Ideals: Manipulation, Despair
  • Bonds: Naruun (imprisoned old god)
  • Flaws: Overconfidence, Sadism

  • Roleplaying Tips: Cunning and manipulative, always looking to bring despair to others, sinister and mysterious.
  • Quirk: Takes great pride in causing intense changes of fate and collects trinkets from her victims to accumulate their bad emotions.

Role in the campaign

The Fulfiller can serve as a villain or an obstacle for the player characters. They may encounter her traveling market and be tempted by her offers, only to discover later on that they've been tricked into terrible misfortune. Alternatively, they may be tasked with stopping her schemes or even freeing Naruun from his prison.


The Fulfiller has existed since before the imprisonment of Naruun, an old god who, like her, feeds on bad emotions. With Naruun's imprisonment, she has lost a valuable source of sustenance and now seeks to free him so he can continue his work.

To ensure her own survival in the meantime, she established a traveling market where she offers deals that seem to fulfill people's desires but ultimately lead them into deep despair. She takes great joy in causing these intense changes in fate and collects trinkets from her victims as a way of accumulating their bad emotions.

Talisman Collection


The Fulfiller's Talisman Collection is an assortment of trinkets and items that she collects from her victims. Each talisman is unique, reflecting the individual it was taken from, and serves to link the victim to the Fulfiller. Stored in her tent within the traveling market, these talismans form a pool of negative energy that she uses for various purposes. They enable her to influence the thoughts, feelings, and fates of her victims, causing them even more despair. Destroying or removing a talisman might provide some relief for the affected individual but won't entirely sever their connection to the Fulfiller. Breaking this connection can have unpredictable consequences for those involved, providing potential roleplaying opportunities as characters grapple with the effects of their talismans on their lives.


  • Naruun: The Fulfiller sympathizes with this imprisoned old god who shares her love for feeding on bad emotions.
  • Player Characters: The Fulfiller may try to manipulate the PCs by offering them deals that seem too good to be true but ultimately lead to heartbreak and despair.
  • League of Paranormal Researchers: Provided Machinery
  • Volar: Gave him the first plans about the Turnback


The Fulfiller is an ancient hag with a gaunt, twisted appearance. Her eyes are dark and piercing, seeming to look straight into the souls of those she meets. She carries a crystal ball with her at all times, which she uses to analyze people's pasts and latch onto their desires. The Fulfiller can usually be found at her traveling market, offering deals that seem too good to be true.


When roleplaying as the Fulfiller, keep in mind that she is always looking for ways to manipulate others and cause heartbreak. She is skilled at identifying people's desires and creating false promises that will ultimately lead to their downfall. Remember that the Fulfiller feeds off of bad emotions and false promises. She is cunning and manipulative, always looking for ways to bring despair to others. Play her as a sinister, mysterious figure who revels in the suffering she causes.


The Fulfiller's primary motivation is to feed on the bad emotions and despair of others, which she achieves through making false promises and causing intense changes in fate. She relishes in people's suffering, using her keen understanding of their desires to manipulate them into making deals that will ultimately lead to their downfall. By causing these intense changes in fate, she not only feeds on the negative emotions but also increases her power and influence.

Additionally, the Fulfiller seeks to free Naruun, an imprisoned old god who shares her love for feeding on bad emotions. Through her machinations, she has aligned herself with groups such as The Gifted and the Shaddowhammer Clan in pursuit of this goal. By releasing Naruun from his prison, she hopes to create even more despair and chaos for her own satisfaction while simultaneously gaining favor with a powerful ally.


The Fulfiller believes in manipulation as a means to achieve her goals. She understands that people are often blinded by their desires, which makes them easy targets for her schemes. By latching onto their deepest wants and needs, she can guide them into making deals that will ultimately cause their own misery. This manipulation is not only a means to an end but also brings great pleasure to the Fulfiller as she watches the consequences of her actions unfold.

Despair is another ideal that drives the Fulfiller's actions. She revels in the suffering of others and seeks to maximize this pain wherever possible. Causing despair not only satiates her hunger for negative emotions but also helps solidify her power over those who fall victim to her manipulations.


Naruun is a significant bond for the Fulfiller due to their shared love for feeding on bad emotions. Sympathizing with his plight as an imprisoned god, she has worked tirelessly towards his release by manipulating various factions within The Basin. By freeing Naruun, the Fulfiller hopes to create even more despair and chaos that she can feed on while also forming a powerful alliance with a god who shares her twisted ideals.


Overconfidence is a major flaw for the Fulfiller, as she takes great pride in her ability to manipulate others. This arrogance can lead her to underestimate the resourcefulness or resilience of those who oppose her, potentially causing her plans to unravel or backfire. Assuming that others will always fall for her schemes may blind her to the possibility of defeat or betrayal.

Sadism also proves to be a flaw for the Fulfiller. Her love for causing pain and suffering can lead her to take unnecessary risks, such as provoking powerful enemies or pushing people beyond their breaking points. This sadistic nature may ultimately be her undoing if it causes her to underestimate the danger she faces or make enemies who are capable of putting an end to her reign of terror.


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