Finding what's Lost Plot

Finding what's Lost Plot

This is a plot that the players can embark on to learn about the lost Hops. If they sympathise with the burglar group, they can use them to plan a heist on the Church of Lichtachte to steal the Heart of the Forrest.



When the player made Izen leave Herbstbog to investigate the Mages he traveled to Duesternest to further research. He is trying to get into contact with the Lost Hops to work for them and will ask the players to intentionally get robbed. Izen also asks the party to look for Martin, his personal assistant who he didn't have contact to after Martin left of to search for the Lost Hops on his own.


His assistant Martin actually is the child of a Member of the Lost Hops.

Getting Robbed by the Daughters

If the party is not careful, they may get robbed by the Daughters. The Daughters will try to pickpocket the party, or grab a purse or bag. If they are successful, they will take what they can and flee. The Daughters will bring the stolen goods to their Safehouse.

Going to the Safehouse

If the party goes to the safe house, they can enter it by picking the lock (DC 10) or through force. Once inside, they will find a small group of Daughters counting the stolen goods. If the party is discovered, the Daughters will try to flee and alert the rest of The Lost Hops. If captured, the Daugthers may lead the players back to their hideout. Failing to convince/intimidate (DC 15) the Daughters will lead them into sending you into a prepared ambush.

The Ambush

The ambush is lead by a hooded woman and happens at an abandoned warehouse. If the player fails to spot it (Perception DC 18), they get ambushed by an overwhelming force of Lost Hops. Once the party is captured, the hooded woman interrogates them to figure out why they were looking for The Lost Hops after that she alters the Players memory to forget the interrogation. Don't Rollplay the interrogation but let the Party roll up to 3 Wisdom saving throws (DC 18) to determine what Information gets slipped to The Lost Hops beforehand. For every failed Wisdom (Detect Thoughts deep search) saving throw, the hooded woman knows about one piece of Information that she might find interesting. Just describe the hooded woman warning them to not and then letting them go. Let the Party all roll a Wisdom saving throw (DC 18) to determining if the modify memory Spell is successful.


If a Player passes the check, tell that he remembers something and play out a flashback scene. The Players find themselves back surrounded by the burglars, but this time Mom stands infront of them. On a Perception check, the party can make out Martin in the Croud. He will not react to the party calling him. One by one the party gets asked a simple question by a mom, during that she casts detect thoughts on 3 different Members while interrogating them. After that, she forces the party to drink a potion of lost memory. She continues to tell the same warning they thought to remember and the flashbacks ends.

Finding the real safe house

Daughters Safehouse

The safe house is actually a small shop in the market district. It is disguised as a flower shop, and the Daughters use it to sell their stolen goods. The shop is run by Daisy, one of the Daughters. If the party goes to the shop, they can talk to Daisy and purchase some of the stolen goods. They may also be able to convince her (DC15) to take them back to Helena's laboratory.

Main Hideout

The sons have a hidden lair beneath an abandoned building in Oldtown. To get there, they must go through a secret entrance in an alleyway that leads down into sewers under Duesternest.(You might want your players find this place before you tell them about it.) Inside the sewer System there are several tunnels leading off from the main Tunnel. One of these side tunnels will lead to their hideout if followed long enough. The Main Hideout is a large cavern that has been converted into a comfortable living space. There are several beds, a kitchen area, and a brewing area where The Lost Hops make their beer. The hideout also contains Helena's laboratory, where she works on her potion making and other magical research.


Inside Helena's laboratory, the party can find all sorts of strange chemicals and potions. They may also find evidence (DC20) of Moms Ritual of Name being performed here. If they search long enough (1 hour), they may also find an unfinished potion that will allow them to remember their interrogation if they drink it.

Entering the Hideout

If the party goes to the hideout, they can enter it through the front door. Once inside, they may hear a group of sons arguing. The Party can try to talk to evesdrops (DC10) on the conversation to learn that they are discussing a heist on the Lichtachte catherdal. The Sons will stop their conversation if they are approached. If the party tries to fight the sons, they will be outnumbered and outmatched. If the party persuades/decepts (DC15) the sons, they will explain that they plan an secret competition testing for new recruits. The target is the Lichtachte Cathedral. (Read The Cathedral Competition Plothook for more Infos) If the Party are suspicious the can roll an insight check (DC 18) to spot that something is foul.

Finding Martin

The party can spot Martin in the Main hideout sitting next to an older Man, scowering through some loot. If they approach him, he doesn't remember the group (Martin is affected by the Ritual of Name). If the party calls him by his name, he will correct them and tell them he is called "Derik". If the party tries to remind him of his past, he will forget about it in one minute, but will remember that the party tried to make him remember something about his past. He will kindly ask the party not to, and tell them that it has no use. He now has another life here with The Lost Hops. If the party uses charm or persuasion (DC15) on him or an insight check (DC18), they can realize that he is being controlled by magic. Martin is aware of him forgetting it by magical means, and tells the party that this was his choice by joining the Sons.

Escaping with Martin

If the party tries to take Martin with them by force, he will warn the Sons. If they try to sneak him out, they will need to be very stealthy. If they are successful, they can take him back to Moms laboratory.

Moms Laboratory

Moms laboratory is located in the hideout. It is a small room that is filled with potions and other magical items. Mom is working on a potion when the party enters. If they talk to her, she will be surprised to see them, and she will ask them what they are doing there. If the party takes Martin back to Helena's laboratory, she explains that the magic is permanent and his amnesia will last forever. All she can offer is a temporary potion that will allow him to remember his past for a short time.

A Moment of Clarity

If the party can convince Martin to take the potion (DC15), he will remember his past for a short time. He will remember his family, his life before The Lost Hops, and he will remember his friends. He will also remember that he joined The Lost Hops because he found his lost Father, the man he was siting with. He will burst into tears and tell the party that he regrets his choice. The Ritual can't be reverted, so he saw this as his only option to reunite with his family. But not even remembering his choice breaks his heart. Helena will join in and tell the Party that the Party that The Lost Hops have Noble Goals, and do no harm. In the End it was Martins Choice to join The Lost Hops the ritual only works that way. The Potion will fade and Martin will forget again, but he will remember the party. Allthough not remembering his past, he will be grateful to them for reminding him , and he will offer to help them in any way he can. Helena will proceed to erase the memory of the conversation from herself and Martin. She will ask the party for permission to also erase their memory but will also respect their decision.

Reverting the Ritual

Although the chances are slim, Helena wants the party to find a way to revert the Ritual. She will hand out a Notebook that details her work. The party will need to pass a difficult arcana check (DC 24) to realize that the Ritual sends the Memories into the afterlife, and the Players would need to gather the lost Memories there.



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