The Cathedral Competition Plothook

The Cathedral Competition Plothook

The Cathedral Competition is a heist that the Sons are planning. They will be testing for new recruits by having them steal an artifact from the Cathedral of Lichtachte. The goal is to steal as much as possible. The competition will take place at night, and the party will have to be stealthy. They will need to avoid the guards, and they will need to find a way to open the safe. The competition takes place in 2 weeks. This kicks of the Heist on the Cathedral Plot

Aquiring the Cathedral Plans

To aquire the Cathedral Plans, the party will need to break into the Architecture Studio of Langley and Sons. The firm is located in the market district. Once inside, the party will need to find the office of John Langley. His office is on the second floor. Inside his office, they will find the plans for the cathedral.

Asking around the players can gather that the Studio is famous for their mechanical work on high security etablisments.

Summary of the Layout of the Studio

Ground Floor:

  • Reception Area (Door back outside, Archway into Studio Area and Door to Stairways)
  • Studio Area (Door back into 1. Reception Area, and Stairways)
  • Stairways Ground Level (Stair up to Stairways First Floor and Roof, and Stair down to Basement)

First Floor:

  • Stairways First Floor (Stair down to Stairways Ground Level and 5. Roof, door into Hallway)
  • Hallway (Door into John Langleys Office and Break Room)
  • John Langleys Office (Door into Hallway)
  • Break Room (Door into Hallway)
  • Roof (Stair down to Stairways Second Floor)


  • Basement (Stair up to Stairways Ground Level)

From the Outside

The Architecture Studio of Langley and Sons is located in the market district of Duesternest. It is situated in an alley between two other buildings. There are no windows on the first floor. The second floor has two windows, one on each side of the building. The roof has a skylight. The exterior of the house is made of stone and looks very sturdy. The door is made of wood and has a brass knocker. There is a small sign above the door that reads "Langley and Sons". The roof of the house is made of slate and is very steep. There is a skylight in the center of the roof.

Entering at Daytime

If the party tries to enter the building during the day, there will be buissness going on. They can try to sneak in without being seen, but if they are seen they will be confronted by the receptionist. On searching for traps the party can find some of the many Traps in the Studio Area:

DC Location Trap
10 Reception Shocking Grasp trap on the door handle
13 Stairways Ground Level Dart Trap on one of the stair steps
20 Studio Area Lightning Bolt trap in the center of the room
21 Second Floor Fireball trap in the middle of the hallway
21 Hallway Slide into Acid Pool trap at the bottom of the stairs
23 John Langleys Office Poison Dart trap in the desk drawer
25 John Langleys Office Animated Armor inside the closet
26 Basement Pit Trap in the middle of the room
27 Basement Poison Dart trap in the corner of the room

If the party convinces the receptionist to let them in they can explore the Studio Area and the Stairways Ground Level without any trouble. On the other side, if the party decides to forcefully enter the building they will have to deal with the traps.

Additionally to the traps, in the Studio Areas, replicas of the traps are layed out to show potential customers.

Entering at Nighttime

If the party tries to enter the building at night, they will find that the door is locked. They will need to pick the lock (DC 16) or break the door down to get inside. Once inside, they will find that the building is dark and empty. They can light a torch, but this will make it easier for the guards to spot them.

Ground floor

S1. Reception Area

Read to the Players:

As you enter the building, you find yourself in a small reception area. The Floor is made of stone and looks very clean. There are three doors in this room. One door leads back outside, one door leads into what looks like a studio area, and one door leads to a staircase.

Searching for traps in this room reveals:

  • A Shocking Grasp trap on the door handle of the door leading into the studio area.

  • A Dart Trap on one of the stair steps of the staircase leading down.

If the party tries to open the door to the studio area without disarming the trap, they will trigger it and take 1d8 lightning damage.

If the party tries to go down the staircase without disarming the trap, they will trigger it and take 1d4+1 piercing damage.

S2. Studio Area

Read to the Players:

As you enter the room, you find yourself in a large studio area. The room is filled with little architectural models and drawings of all sorts of traps. In the center of the room is a large table with a scale model of a cathedral on it.

This room has nothing of interest except for the scale model of the cathedral. The model is to scale and shows all the publicly acessable rooms and hallways of the cathedral.

S3. Stairways Ground Level

Read to the Players:

You find yourself in a small stairway. There is a staircase leading up and a staircase leading down.

This room has nothing of interest.

First Floor

S4. Stairways First Floor

Read to the Players:

You find yourself in a small stairway. There is a staircase leading up and a staircase leading down. The stairway directly leads into a hallway.

This room has nothing of interest.

S5. Hallway

Read to the Players:

You find yourself in a long hallway. There are doors leading into a break room and John Langleys office.

Searching for traps in this room reveals:

  • A Fireball trap in the middle of the hallway.

If the party tries to go through the hallway without disarming the trap, they will trigger it and take 8d6 fire damage.

S6. John Langleys Office

Read to the Players:

You find yourself in a small office. All walls are filled with Blueprints and Notes. There is a desk in the middle of the room with a chair behind it. There is a closet in the corner of the room.

Searching for traps in this room reveals:

  • A Poison Dart trap in the desk drawer.

  • An Animated Armor inside the closet.

If the party tries to open the desk drawer without disarming the trap, they will trigger it and take 1d4+1 piercing damage.

If the party tries to open the closet without disarming the trap, the animated armor will attack them.

If the party investigates the Blueprints in the office (DC 16) They can find notes about Arcane Structures and Ancient seals.

Read to the PLayers:

You find a pergament Roll that seems much older then the rest of the Scrolls detailing a sort of ancient Arcane Prison Chamber. Although almost perfect, the power to even build that is so exorbitant you would need the whole Basin to work on it for Years. This is stupidly oversized.

This is a Hint on the Sealing Chamber of Naruun

S7. Break Room

Read to the Players:

You find yourself in a small break room. There is a table in the middle of the room with four chairs around it. There is a fridge in the corner of the room.

This room has nothing of interest.

Second Floor

S8. Roof

Read to the Players:

You find yourself on the roof of the building. The roof is made of slate and is very steep. There is a skylight in the center of the roof.

This room has nothing of interest.


S9. Basement

Read to the Players:

You find yourself in the basement of the building. The basement is small and dark. There is a staircase leading up to the stairway. There are Cabins filled with Models of Traps and Blueprints.

Searching for traps in this room reveals:

  • A Pit Trap in the middle of the room.

If the party tries to go through the room without disarming the trap, they will trigger it and fall into a pit.


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