
In the dark depths of The Basin lies a mysterious metal, known as Stoalium. It is a light blue metal that shimmers in the light, and gives off an aura of power. Those who wear Stoalium feel enhanced powers, as if they have tapped into an infinite source of strength. Little is truly known about this mysterious metal, except that its power has been sought after for centuries for its ability to bolster one's might.

Stoalium was first discovered by miners in the caves deep beneath the surface. The metal was found in small clumps, embedded into the walls and floors of these caverns, connected to them by thin tendrils. As time passed, its existence became more widely known, and it began to be used in various ways throughout The Basin.

The most prominent use of Stoalium has been in war: both sides in the great War of The Basin have utilized it to gain an edge over their opponents. However, what neither side realizes is that this power comes with a cost: The power is granted by Naruun who in turn takes back what is his at a moment of his choosing. Naruun has been quietly manipulating events from behind-the-scenes via Stoalium's power - most notably during times when one side appears to be winning an important battle - and at each critical moment takes back its power from those who wear it. Thus unknowingly keeping alive this unending war between both sides.


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