The Plague

The Plague was researched and created by Malachi to revive lost Soldiers.


The Plague was developed by Malachi in the time Leading up to the Attack on Lichtachte. She was unknowingly influenced by Naruun, who let her find notes on making the virus self efficient, but made it contagious.

How it works

The vile Plague that had befouled the realm was wrought with necromantic black magic, raising up the recently deceased with their souls still bound to their bodies. Though a conventional resurrection could heal the body from its affliction, General Malachi sought a more efficient yet unholy revival. Utilizing some of the body itself to fuel its resurrection process, the Plague was made self-efficient and thus became contagious, far beyond what Malachi had intended. The virus lodges in a healthy person's body until death where it will break out and spread its desolating sickness.


Soul leaving the Body

The journey of death began with the soul of the departed leaving their physical body, drifting away into eternity. As they left, something else remained in their body-- a spark of energy, hidden away and dormant, until something was to trigger it.

Virus Triggering

Unbeknownst to the departed soul, their body had been infected with a virus. When this virus was triggered, the dormant energy that remained in their body became active and sought out the soul that had left it.

Soul Reattaching

The energy from the virus then found the soul in its journey and reattached it to its body. This process was painful for both the soul and the body as they were suddenly thrust together again, unable to understand what was happening or why.

Body Adjustment

As the risen dead adjusted to being alive again, they felt confused and angry. They did not understand what had happened to them or why they were back in their bodies. It took weeks for them to regain their memories and for them to adjust to being alive again.

Memories Returned

Finally, after weeks of struggling with confusion and rage, the risen dead's memories began returning to them-- slowly at first but eventually coming back all at once in a rush of emotions and images from before death. With each memory returned came a newfound understanding of what had happened while they were away: Naruun's influence on Malachi's creation of The Plague; Malachi's exile from Lichtachte; The League of Arathor's view on undead; The great divide caused by The Plague throughout The Basin; Paladin Erathenar's quest to protect life-- all came back as if no time had passed at all since before death.


The Plague had caused a great divide within The Basin as those who had been afflicted with its foulness were viewed by some as monsters or servants of Naruun himself. The League of Arathor saw them as threats that needed to be contained and eliminated for their own safety while those who sympathized with them wanted to give them a chance at redemption.

The Paladin of Lichtachte took it upon themselves to protect people from further threats while researching potential cures or ways to contain what Malachi had unleashed on this world. Unfortunately, no cure was ever found in time and thus The Plague continued its rampage through The Basin for centuries more until finally fading into legend or myth.

Relation to History

Malachi saw this as a gift to the people, postponing death and giving them more time on this Planet. The Paladins of Lichtachte did not see it this way and she was exiled. The League of Arathor to this day sees the Undead as the same monsters that killed many of their kin. The Plague was transmitted viral, spreading across The Basin, leading to a dark time of people rising from the dead, being killed by their family members and caused a great Divide in The Basin. As a sideeffect of the Plague the recently ressurected lack a free will. Uncontrolled they would wonder around aimlessly and attacking any living creature on sight. Malachi took notice of this and controls them so they don't cause unnecessary harm. The Paladin of Lichtachte had seen the horrors of the undead that General Malachi had unleashed upon them, and had vowed to never let it happen again. Now, they stand as a beacon of hope in the midst of the darkness, their shining armor a reminder of their duty to protect the people from any further threats. As they make their way through the ruined lands of The Basin, you must capture their determination and courage in order to create an image that will inspire others to follow in their footsteps and continue the fight against evil.


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