Shadow Hunter

You can choose the Shadow Hunter subclass for the Rogue class.

Shadow hunters are masters of voodoo and shadow magic and were once the highest authority amongst trolls. Their spirit powers is walking the line of dark and light in hope of saving the future of trollkind, doing whatever it takes to secure a future for their kin. The loa can channel themselves through the shadow hunters when they use their ceremonial rush'kah masks.

The Shaddow Hunters worship one of the major Loas. They do this by making Deals with them and following their ideals. The relationship between a Shaddow Hunter and his Loa differs from a Acolyte and his God. Loas are more seen as mentors and elders, it is not uncommon that Shaddow Hunters bicker and argue with their Loas. This leeds to Shaddow Hunters often temporarily falling out of Faith of the Loas. This can be made good with offerengs and deeds devoted to the Loa.

Connections to the Loas

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can choose how your connections to the different Loas are.

State Meaning
Not Interested The Loa has no perception of the Shaddow Hunter, the Loa can not be talked to or made use of
Due Amends The Loa waits for a Deal to be resolved, or you stepped on the wrong foot of some kind
Worshiped The Loa is ready to be talked to

The Loas are listet in the next section

Pick 3 Loas that are not interested in you.

Pick 1 Loas that you worship.

Pick 1 Loa that you have angered.

Pick 1 Loa that you have a Deal with, needing to be resolved.

Loa Description
Shirvallah Shirvallah values strength and heroism. Shirvallah is a powerful jaguar spirit, revered as a goddess by the tribes of the jungle. She is known for her strength, courage and tenacity, and is said to be the protector of the jungle and its children.
Shadra As one of the darker loas, Shadra is amased by Cruelty. Shadra is the spider loa, and is said to be the mother of all spiders. She is a cruel and heartless loa, and is said to enjoy the suffering of others.
Bethekk Bethekk values rightiousness and justice. Bethekk is the Panther loa, and is said to be the protector of the jungle. He is a rightious and just loa, and is said to be the enemy of all evil.
Hir'eek The greedy Hir'eek is interested in things that have value to his followers. Hir'eek is the bat loa, and is said to be the lord of darkness. He is a greedy and selfish loa, and is said to be the enemy of all light.
Hethiss Hethriss is the Loa of deception and plotting. Hethiss is the snake loa, and is said to be the lord of lies. He is a deceptive and cunning loa, and is said to be the enemy of all truth.
Bwomsamdi Bwomsamdi is the loa of death and the afterlife. He is a dark and mysterious loa, and is said to be the guardian of the dead. He is a feared and respected loa, and is said to be a trickster.
Building a Connection

If a Loa is not interested in you, you can wake its interest by doing something reflecting the virtues of the Loa.

Loa Interest
Shirvallah When you protect the weak and innocent out of compassion
Shadra When you devote a ritual of torture to her
Bethekk When you rescue the oppressed out of justice
Hir'eek When you steal something of value and offer it to him
Hethiss When you actively deceive someone and ask for guidance to do more plotting
Bwomsamdi When you honor the dead in some way or when you yourself die
Loa Taboos
Shirvallah Shirvallah forbids her followers from harming the innocent and the helpless.
Shadra Shadra forbids her followers from showing mercy or compassion.
Bethekk Bethekk forbids his followers from harming the innocent or the helpless.
Hir'eek Hir'eek forbids his followers from showing mercy or compassion.
Hethiss Hethiss forbids his followers from speaking the truth.
Bwomsamdi Bwomsamdi forbids his followers from disrespecting the dead.

Loas Favor

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to earn favors by the loas worshiped by your tribe.

You can prepare favors of the Loas as a ritual cast. You can prepare two favors, which you can hold until your next long rest, at witch you have to prepare them again. Favors of Loas are expended as a bonus action.


You channel the energy of the gruesome Spider Loa Shadra into your Weapon. For the next minute the next time you hit a creature with the enchanted weapon the creature gets spun up in a web.

A creature restrained by the web can use its Actions to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, it is no longer Restrained.


You channel the energy of the proud Tiger Loah Shirvallah into your Weapon. You channel a mighty Roar of the Loa. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or drop whatever it is holding and become Frightened for the Duration.

While Frightened by this spell, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a Location where it doesn't have Line of Sight to you, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the spell ends for that creature.


You channel the energy of the rightious Panther Loa Bethekk. A jade mist flows around you, heavily obscuring your position. The smoke dissapates after the end of your current turn and you turn invisible until the end of your next Turn. Anything the you are wearing or carrying is Invisible as long as it is on you. The invisibility ends when you attack or cast a spell.


You channel the energy of the greedy Bat Loa Hir'eek into your Weapon. You gain hitpoints equal to the next damage you do with your next weapon attack.


You can add 1d6 to the next insight, deception or persuation check


You channel the energy of the loah of death Bwonsamdi into your Weapon. An aura of Death surrounds you. When you hit a creature with your weapon the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 1d4 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4) and 17th level (4d4).


When you reach 9th level, you can create a Brew of Mojo on a long rest.

When you prepare your potion roll 2d6. Those are the effects for the Potion.

  • | 2d6 | Effect | | | - | | 1 | +2 damage with Weapon Attacks | | 2 | +2 AC | | 3 | +5 feet to your movement speed | | 4 | +2 damage with Spell Attacks | | 5 | +1 to your Spell DC | | 6 | +2 to one of your Saving Throws |

You can create this brew once per long rest and you can uphold only one potion at a time. The effect of these potions last until the start of your next long rest.

Unfavorable Deal

Starting at 13rd level, you can accept a unfavorable Deal with one of your Loas. After accepting an unfavorable deal with the Loa you are in dept to the chosen Loa. The Loa choses his part of the deal according to his values and desires. Those types of deals are a last resort offer and should not be taken lightly.

The Deal blocks you from using any powers of that Loa until the Loa considers your part of the Deal payed. The Loa also chooses if he communicates the workings of the deal or not. This often leaves partitioners with unfavorable Deals that they can only assume how to resolve by paying debt to the values of the Loa.

You regain your use of this feature when you resolve your Deal.

Shadra: Biting Fever

Making a Unfavorable Deal with Shadra, you are surrounded by a glowing outline of spiderlegs from your back and you are overcome with a desire for cruelty.

While in the state of desire, you gain the following benefits:

-You gain two additional attacks when you take the attack action. -You can use your action to make a bite attack against a creature within reach. On a hit, the creature takes 1d4 piercing damage. On a successfull hit the creature is paralyzed until the end of its turn.

The state of desire lasts for 1 minute. If there are no Hostile to attack, you proceed to try to attack the weakest creature to you. It ends early if you are knocked Unconscious or if Your Turn ends and you haven't damaged a creature since your last turn or taken damage since then.

Shirvallah: Rampage

Making a Unfavorable Deal with Shirvallah, your hands are surrounded by a glowing outline of tiger claws and you fall into a Rage. While raging, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength Saving Throws.
  • When you make a melee weapon Attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. This bonus increases as you level.
  • You have Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

If you are able to cast Spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging.

Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked Unconscious or if Your Turn ends and you haven't attacked a Hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on Your Turn as a bonus Action.

Bethekk: Shaddow Furry

Making a unfavorable Deal with Bethekk, you enter in a state of calmness.You channel the energy of the rightious Panther Loa Bethekk. While calm you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
  • You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature you have surprised.
  • Once per turn you can teleport upto half your speed

The state of calmness lasts for one minute.

Hir'eek: Bloodlust

Making a Unfavorable Deal with Hir'eek, you grow a glowing outline of sharp tooths and you are become bloodthirsty.

While bloodthirsty, you gain the following benefits:

• Your Weapon Attacks become piercing Bite attacks. You heal by half the damage you deal with these attacks.

• You have advantage on Survival checks to track A creature by its scent.

The state of bloodthirst lasts for 1 minute. If there are no Hostile to attack, you proceed to try to attack the creature with the seemingly lowest Armor next to you. It ends early if you are knocked Unconscious or if Your Turn ends and you haven't attacked a creature since your last turn or taken damage since then.

Hethiss: Informant

Making a Unfavorable Deal with Hethiss, he can give you information about a person, place or thing. Hethiss can give you a vision of the person's immediate future. The vision will last for 1 minute. While in the vision, you are incapacitated and cant move or take Actions.

The vision reveals information as if you cast the scrying spell. Hethiss can show you whatever he chooses, but the spell wards him against any attempt to exploit what you learn of the future. Hethiss chooses with whom you will pass the information.

Bwomsamdi: Life Drain

Making a Unfavorable Deal with Bwomsamdi, you can choose one creature within 5 feet of you and drain its life force to heal your own wounds. The creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your spell save DC. A creature takes 2d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. You regain hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. If the creature fails its save, its hit point maximum is reduced for 1 hour by an amount equal to the necrotic damage it took. Any effect that removes a disease allows a creature’s hit point maximum to return to normal before that time passes.

Ceremonial Mask

Starting at 17th level, you can choose a ceremonial Mask as a focus for your Loa. The Mask is made of wood or clay. You can use this mask to channel your Loas. You can wear the Mask for 10 minutes. The Mask falls off your face after the 10 minutes. After that you can't use the Mask again until you finish a short or long rest.

Loa Mask Effect
Shirvallah While wearing the Mask you gain the second wind feature. You gain expertise in the Intimidate skill. When you use the Intimidate skill, you can force an opponent to make a Wisdom save versus your Intimidate check. If they fail, they must use their next action to move closer and attack you.
Shadra While wearing the Mask gain a bite attack. If you hit a creature with this bite, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.
Bethekk While wearing the Mask you gain a claw attack.
Hir'eek While wearing the Mask you can choose to gain the benefit of the second wind feature.
Hethiss While wearing the Mask you can choose to have your weapon attacks target a creatures wisdom score instead of their armor class.
Bwomsamdi While wearing the Mask you can cast the Speak with Dead spell once without using a spell slot or material components. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

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