Note Structure Guidelines

Folder Structure

Obsidian notes in this Repo are structured this way:

├── Meta
├── Bestiary
│   └── Subclasses
├── Adventuring
│   ├── [Adventure Name]
│   │   ├── Journal
│   │   └── Other Things Related to the Campain
│   └── ...
└── Worldbuilding
    ├── Global
    │   ├── Concepts
    │   ├── Factions
    │   └── Things
    └── [Plane Name]
        ├── [Region Name]
	 │   ├── Factions
	 │   │   ├── [Faction Name]
	 │   │   │   ├── [Faction Name] (Main Article)
	 │   │   │   ├── [Person from Faction]
	 │   │   │   └── ...
	 │   ├── Regions
	 │   │   ├── [Region Name]
	 │   │   │   ├── [Region Name] (Main Article)
	 │   │   │   ├── [Location in Region]
	 │   │   │   └── ...
	 │   └── Things
	 │       └── [Thing]
	 └── ...


Frontmatter helps with the organization and categorization of notes. It should be included at the beginning of each note and follow this general structure:

aliases: [alternative name, abbreviation]
tags: [tag1, tag2]
type: Region/Settlement, Locality, NPC, SideNPC, Faction, History, Arc, Plot, Scene, Thing, Deity
- summery of the note in bullet points for refference in gpt templates
- can have multiple bullet points or just one
dg-publish: true/false
owner: your alias
status: seed/sprout/tree/willow

Note content goes here.

  • aliases: Alternative names or abbreviations for the note, if applicable.

  • tags: Keywords that describe the content of the note or its category, which help in organizing and searching for related notes.

  • type: The general category of the note, such as Region, Settlement, NPC, Faction, etc. This helps in filtering and organizing notes. This is used for the little icons on the website

  • sum: A brief summary of the note's content in bullet points. These summaries can be used for quick reference or when generating templates with GPT-3.

  • dg-publish: Indicates whether the note should be published (true) or kept private (false).

  • owner`: Specifies the alias of the person who created or owns the note. This helps in attributing credit and maintaining ownership of notes.

  • status: Indicates the level of completion or development of the note. The categories are:

    • seed: A basic idea or concept that needs further development. This topic is up for grabs.
    • sprout: A developed concept with some fleshed-out details. Talk to the owner before working on it.
    • tree: A fully developed and detailed note, that is deeply rooted into your campain, many secrets exist under the surface.
    • willow: a deprecated note that needs trimming or is outdated.


It is a good idea to follow this guideline for writing notes:

  • Start with a flavor Text
  • Use h1 for chapters- Use h2 for sub-chapters or sections within a chapter
  • Use h3 for sub-sections within a section
  • Use bullet points or numbered lists for organizing information and details
  • Use bold and italic text to emphasize important points or keywords
  • Include relevant links to other notes or external sources when necessary
  • Break down long paragraphs into smaller, more digestible chunks of text

Example Formatting can be found at Example Site

Images and Media

When including Images, include them INSIDE the Repo, otherwise they won't be synced. Please only use selfmade Images that you hold copyright to.


We'd love to hear how you've used this content in your own campaigns! Share your anecdotes and examples in the comments below to inspire and help other readers imagine the possibilities. Your input can also help us refine and improve the note structure for future adventure modules.