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The Basin

id: main-map image: Map.jpg height: 500px lat: 50 long: 50 minZoom: 1 maxZoom: 5 defaultZoom: 1 unit: days scale: 0.1 Trollbans Hold north of Maerhof Maerhof lays north of Lichtachte Prosnen is in the Deep Forrest and 1 day of travel away from Lichtachte Faern lays east to Lichtachte and connects Lichtachte to the Silent River

The Basin is a region of diversity and wonder, where mighty cities stand tall and small towns nestle in the valleys below. From this land has come courage, loyalty, and strength - powerful forces that bind together its people in times of great joy and sorrow. The Basin is a place to call home, and its inhabitants will never forget the courage they must show to protect it. The Basin is a vast region of rolling hills and verdant forests, stretching from the southern tip of the Herbstbog to the western reaches of Edschmied. Once, it was home to many thriving settlements and bustling cities, each with their own distinct culture. But now, all that remains are ruins and broken dreams. For five long years, a war has raged across The Basin, ravaging the land and claiming countless lives. The war began when the malicious Defilers crossed into The Basin, driven by their dark ambition to seize control of the land. Led by their fearsome leader, Malachi, the Defilers marched across the region with an unquenchable thirst for destruction, leaving a trail of death and despair in their wake. In response, the League of Arathor gathered its forces to defend The Basin against these invaders, yet they were met with overwhelming strength.

Though many have perished in battle, a new hope has arisen. It is whispered that a lost artifact lies hidden somewhere in The Basin - an ancient talisman with powerful magics that could restore balance to The Basin and bring peace back to its people. Many brave adventurers have set out on a quest to find this relic and bring hope back to The Basin. But it remains to be seen whether they will succeed or fail - for the Defilers remain vigilant and ever-watchful, determined to keep their grip upon the land that is rightfully theirs.

In these times of darkness, only courage and faith will lead us through - for it is through courage that we will find peace in The Basin once more. Let us remember the valiant heroes who have come before us and in their memory, seek to restore the balance that was once here. Let us hope, and trust in the power of courage and faith, that we may find a way to defeat evil in its own land. But even more so, it is through faith that we may gain the strength and courage to keep going in our search for the lost talisman and return peace to The Basin.

In this embattled land, loss and sorrow are all too familiar. Children grow up without parents, and sages are hardened by years of witnessing the horrors of war. Both the League of Arathor and their enemies, the Defilers, covet The Basin's resources for their own purposes. Peace seems like a distant dream.

Key locations in this struggle include Torar, a mining town where goblins from Venture and Co. extract precious Stoalium, and Edschmied, where the renowned Thorium Brotherhood forges powerful equipment using this rare resource. Control over these locations shifts constantly as both sides vie for power. However, an unspoken understanding keeps dwarves and goblins relatively safe � both sides recognize their need for goblin technology and ancient dwarven smithing skills.

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Recently, hope seemed to be on the horizon when forces from the League of Arathor nearly captured Desecrated Stronghold, the last bastion of opposition in The Basin. However, their momentum faltered at a critical moment, allowing their enemies to launch a fierce counterattack that drove them back to square one.

As you embark on your adventure within this war-torn realm, remember: things are not always as they seem. Dark forces work behind the scenes, and only through courage, wit, and determination can you hope to uncover their true intentions and bring lasting peace to The Basin.


-3523: Naruun is born and quickly becomes a powerful entity over The Basin, the ancient population of The Basin begin worshiping him and granting his wishes in exchange for power.

-523: The other forces of nature join together to imprison Naruun, creating a prison out of the very fabric of reality with three forges powered by Nosem using Death energy.

around 0: The first civilizations appear in The Basin.

2943: League of Arathor was founded to combat the Orken Hordes

3039: Today

Silent River


This river flows through The Basin from north-west to south-east. It passes Trollbans Hold in the north-west flowing south-east it then divides near to Lichtachte flowing on both sides of the elevated highlands of Edschmied. At the hight of Duesternest in the south-east it comes back together flowing east for a bit. After that it flows down south where it leaves The Basin and north up to Herbstbog.


The river is of immense importance for the people in The Basin. It is a source of life and prosperity, providing them with water for crops, livestock, and drinking. It also serves as a natural border and protects them from unwanted intruders. The river is also the main source of transportation in this part of the world. Boats are used to transport people and goods along its length, while bridges allow easier access to different parts of The Basin. The slow-flowing river gives off a silent but strong presence that all must respect. Its mysterious depths draw adventurers from afar in search of forgotten treasures that may be hidden within its depths. The banks of the river are beautiful to behold and some believe it to be enchanted by magical forces. It is said that if one takes a moment to stop and listen carefully, one can hear faint whispers coming from within the water, warning all who pass by about dangers or secrets hidden beneath the surface. Whether these tales are true or not remain unknown, but one thing is certain - this ancient river has been quietly watching over its inhabitants since long before any living memory can remember.

Orken Hordes

Originate from the Mountains surrounding the The Basin and felt pushed out by the League of Arathor, so they were at war. Want to take Territory in the Basin. Hired by the Defilers to assist in Battle against League of Arathor

Starting the


Daylie War Progression

The war in The Basin is Progressing every Day. There are Multiple Points of Control on 5 "Warfronts" in The Basin:

Northern Warfront

  • Trollbanns Hall
  • Maerhof

Western Warfront

  • Melmorwitch
  • Duesternest
  • Falk
  • Arathi Forrests (not including Sturmklau)
  • Lichtachte
  • Faern
  • Prosnen

Middle Warfront

Eastern Warfront

  • Herbstbog
  • Mines of Torrar
  • Belldort

South Warfront

Read: Primer Structure of the Campain Historic Events Mysteries of the Basin

The Fall of the League


Stoalium was first discovered by miners in the caves deep beneath the surface. The metal was found in small clumps, embedded into the walls and floors of these caverns, connected to them by thin tendrils. As time passed, its existence became more widely known, and it began to be used in various ways throughout The Basin.

The most prominent use of Stoalium has been in war: both sides in the great War of The Basin have utilized it to gain an edge over their opponents. However, what neither side realizes is that this power comes with a cost: The power is granted by Naruun who in turn takes back what is his at a moment of his choosing. Naruun has been quietly manipulating events from behind-the-scenes via Stoalium's power - most notably during times when one side appears to be winning an important battle - and at each critical moment takes back its power from those who wear it. Thus unknowingly keeping alive this unending war between both sides.

The Defilers attack Edschmied

Structure of the Campain

!559f13efad618396c7d70a96696cd7d7 2.jpg Promises of Victory is a Campain set in The Basin, a Region currently in war, lead by the League of Arathor and the Defilers.

In the Background The Gifted is trying to end the war and fulfill their Ritual of Turnback to undo all the harm caused by the war. But to do that they need to bring the Artifacts to 3 different ancient arcane machineries called Titan Forges and fuel them with a vast amount of soul energy.

To activate the Ritual the call the Turnback they need a gigantic amount of Souls of the Dead (Arc) that they have been gathering and funneling into the Central City of Edschmied.

Parallel to that it seems a new thread, The Shaddowhammer appeared. Their mysterious goal also seems to involve the 3 Artifacts.

Artifact of Life
Artifact of Light
Artifact of Chaos
Souls of the Dead
The Turnback Ritual
Origins of the Shaddowhammer
Origin of Naruun
Origin of the Stoalium

Major Plot Threads

Those are the Threads the Player need to solve:

Artifact of Life (Arc)

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As the players Embark on a mission to hunt a dragon they stumble on the City of Sturmklau. As they explore the City it is attacked and The Shaddowhammer tries to steal the Heart of the Forrest. If the players gather the Heart of the Forrest, The Gifted has interest in them and wants them to bring it into their headquarter where they want to set the first stage of their ritual in Motion.
Get Heart of Forrest from Sturmklau Attack
Meet the Cult of the Gifted in Maerhof
Adventure Hook for Artifact of Life
Trust Cult of the Gifted?
Forge of Life
Fake Plans to Destroy Forge of Life 

Artifact of Light (Arc)

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The party is offeded a heist on the Lichtachte Cathedral. The Players gather the Artifact of Light in an Heist on the Lichtachte Cathedral. The The Gifted are searching for the Forge of Light which is located somewhere in the Basin. A recent excavation Site in the Mines uncovered this Secret, but the Information is kept shut by the Academy of The Triad.

 Lichtachte Heist
Forge of Light
Sundawn in Lichtachte
Research the Forge of Light
Adventure Hook for Artifact of Light
Volar Places tries to put his Artifact in the Forge
Bring Artifact in Forge?

Artifact of Chaos (Arc)

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Coming into contact with followers of the Shaddowhammer the party gets hunted for the Artifact. As the Players search for the lost Princess Jaloren they can find the Forge of Chaos.

Souls of the Dead (Arc)

The Shaddowhammer hast been gathering Energy from the fallen soldiers in The Basin to fuel the Ritual. Players can gather aditional energy by visiting the Nosem.

The Turnback Ritual (Arc)

For the last 20 Years The Gifted are building an Arcane Machine out of Stoalium that they think will lead to the resurrection of all fallen People in The Basin. The The Triad has been hiding the many shipments of Stoalium towards the Ritual Site.

The Turnback Ritual (Arc)

When all Artifacts are brought to their respective Forges and the Seals are broken. The Turnback ritual will begin, leading to the release of Naruun, the old god of false promises. The Gifted Ones, believing they will revive every lost soul in The Basin, will unknowingly bring about Naruun's return and potential domination over the world. As the ritual commences, a colossal Stoalium contraption built by the Cult beneath the city of Edschmied will start to channel the gathered soul' energy into each of the three forges. It takes one week for the Prison of Naruun to break.

The party must race against time to not only prevent Naruun's escape but also find a way to destroy or contain him for good.

Optional Threads

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Those are the Plot Threads the Players can optionally solve:

Bad Stucture

Base on Flowchart

  • Keep Gifted ones from holding Ritual
  • Gain Support for assault against shaddowhammer
  • Convince Volar of wrongdoings
  • Uncover Naruuns Identity
  • Uncover Fulfillers true identity

Origin of Naruun

The Fulfiller is the key of resolving the secret of Naruuns real identify, by investigating the Hag and the Fulfiller's Market the players can uncover the true nature of Naruun as the old god of false promises. By learning his true identity, they can devise a plan to expose him and his manipulations to the people of The Basin, weakening his power and influence over them.

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Through their investigation (Visiting the Nosem and the Fulfiller), the party can discover that Naruun has been feeding on the despair and unfulfilled desires of the people in The Basin, using their suffering to increase his power. The continuous war, fueled by the properties of Stoalium, has provided Naruun with an endless supply of misery.

Armed with this knowledge, the party can seek allies among both the League of Arathor and the Defilers, uniting them against a common enemy. By exposing Naruun's deception and manipulation, they can rally their forces against him and work together to find a way to destroy or contain him for good.

As they work together, new alliances will form between former enemies, leading to a more peaceful and united future for The Basin. However, they must remain vigilant against any remaining followers of Naruun who continue to spread his false promises.

Origin of The Shaddowhammer

The party can learn about the and Origin of The Shaddowhammer and Volar, their founder.

Volar was once a Paladin in the ranks of the League of Arathor. The League of Paranormal Researchers secretly killed his daughter to find out more about the Nosem. This led to him being seduced by the Fulfiller, a hag that wants to revive Naruun.

She promises him Naruun will be able to revive his daughter, but in reality he only leads to the freeing of the old God. Volar starts with joining Iraia and Edard Combell to found the Cult of the Gifted Ones (Class)

The Party can learn, that Volar is actually blinded by his grief and maybe can stop him by confronting him with the truth.

If the party manages to save Volar from the hag that seduced him, he will join the party and show them how to kill Naruun for good. With the Stoalium metal and the power of a Titanforge they can sund the energy of a soulstone into Naruun and bind him to the world.

Origin of the Stoalium

All over the lands of The Basin you can find round tubical Caves that go deeper and deeper into the earth. In those Caves you can find a metal called Stoalium that sits bare in the center of the cave and is anchored through little tendrils to the wall of the cave.

In short, who controls the Stoalium supplies, has the upper hand in the Battle for The Basin. Because of that, for both sides, Controlling the Mines of Torrar, Herbstbog and Edschmied is the Key to Wining the war.

In reality Stoalium is the remans of the nerves of Naruun and the power bolstering properties wear off at the most Ciritcal Moment. This leads to the endless war going back and fourth. With one party pushing right to the enemy's gate, but then loosing by a sudden turn of events.

The party can learn, that the Stoalium is the reason for this unending loop, that they can use to end the conflict once and for all.

Adventure Hook Plots

Those are starting Adventures that could get your group hooked into the Events of the Campain:

The Missing Princess

The party is hired to find the missing princess Jaloren from the Echo Isles. As they follow her trail, they uncover her connection to the dark cult of The Shaddowhammer. They must rescue Jaloren and unravel the secrets behind her disappearance, leading them deeper into the conflict between the League of Arathor and the Defilers, as well as discovering the true intentions of The Shaddowhammer.

Artifact Retrieval

The party is tasked with retrieving one of the powerful artifacts (Heart of the Forest, Tear of the Archdevil, or Sundawn) for a mysterious benefactor. As they acquire and deliver the artifact, they slowly learn about its connection to ancient rituals and dark powers. This knowledge leads them on a quest to discover more about these artifacts and their potential consequences if used by those who seek to harness their power.

A Call to Arms

The party is recruited by either the League of Arathor or Defilers (depending on their alignment) to help in their ongoing war against each other. As they take part in battles and skirmishes across The Basin, they uncover hints about a hidden force working behind-the-scenes to manipulate both sides for their own gain. This revelation forces them to reconsider their loyalties and work together with unlikely allies to prevent a greater evil from rising.

Investigation into The Shaddowhammer

Rumors circulate about a new threat emerging within The Basin: a mysterious cult called The Shaddowhammer. The party is hired by concerned citizens or an organization (such as League of Paranormal Researchers) to investigate this cult's motives and activities. As they delve deeper into this investigation, they discover connections between The Shaddowhammer, ancient artifacts, and dangerous rituals that could potentially unleash an unimaginable evil upon the world.

By following any of these adventure hooks, your group will be drawn into the intricate web of intrigue, deception, and danger that lies at the heart of Promises of Victory. Will they succeed in preventing the release of Naruun and restoring peace to The Basin, or will they fall victim to the false promises and manipulation that have ensnared so many before them? Only time will tell as they embark on this epic journey.


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