Structure of the Campain

Major Plot Threads

Those are the Threads the Player need to solve:

Artifact of Life

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As the players Embark on a mission to hunt a dragon they stumble on the City of Sturmklau. As they explore the City it is attacked and The Shaddowhammer tries to steal the Heart of the Forrest. If the players gather the Heart of the Forrest, The Gifted has interest in them and wants them to bring it into their headquarter where they want to set the first stage of their ritual in Motion.

Get Heart of Forrest from Sturmklau Attack
Meet the Cult of the Gifted in Maerhof
Adventure Hook for Artifact of Life
Trust Cult of the Gifted?
Forge of Life
Fake Plans to Destroy Forge of Life 


Artifact of Light

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The party is offended a heist on the Lichtachte Cathedral. The Players gather the Artifact of Light in an Heist on the Lichtachte Cathedral. The The Gifted are searching for the Forge of Light which is located somewhere in The Basin. A recent excavation Site in the Mines uncovered this Secret, but the Information is kept shut by the Academy of The Triad.


 Lichtachte Heist
Forge of Light
Sundawn in Lichtachte
Research the Forge of Light
Adventure Hook for Artifact of Light
Volar Places tries to put his Artifact in the Forge
Bring Artifact in Forge?


The players plan a heist on the cathedral of Lichachte to claim Sundawn and maybe also some tressure.

Forge of Light

Excavation in Mines of Torrar Artifact of Light (Arc)

I am writing a DnD Adventure. I want to structure my campain with Arcs Plots and Scenes. What should I add in the description of the Arc? give a Template Outline for a markdown description of a adventure Arc.,0,rival%20crew%20motivations,0

Adventure Hooks

Phalandos Shopping List (Plot) Dr Phalando asks the Party to keep the Artifact of Chaos for Safekeeping.

Researching in the Great Library (Scene) If the Players want to find out about the Forges in the Great Library, they find out about a new excavation site in the Mines of Torar that found Ancient Ruins of Titans.

Preperations for the Ritual (Scene) (Part of the Hatching Ritual (Plot)) Wallaricus the Wise brings Sundawn to Sturmklau in an Effort to hatch the Dragon Eggs situated in Sturmklau.


Heist on the Cathedral (Plot)

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Artifact of Chaos (Arc)

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Coming into contact with followers of the Shaddowhammer the party gets hunted for the Artifact. As the Players search for the lost Princess Jaloren they can find the Forge of Chaos.

The player investigate The Shaddowhammer that have taken over the Temple of the Watcher and have started a ritual to open a Gate to the Abyss, to claim the Tear of the Archdevil.

Souls of the Dead

The Shaddowhammer hast been gathering Energy from the fallen soldiers in The Basin to fuel the Ritual. Players can gather aditional energy by visiting the Nosem.

The player dip their toes into the border of the afterlife and investigate the Nosem, a strange Folk of Atral being, that guide deceased souls through their unfulfilled ambitions.

The Turnback Ritual

For the last 20 Years The Gifted are building an Arcane Machine out of Stoalium that they think will lead to the resurrection of all fallen People in The Basin. The The Triad has been hiding the many shipments of Stoalium towards the Ritual Site. When all Artifacts are brought to their respective Forges and the Seals are broken. The Turnback ritual will begin, leading to the release of Naruun, the old god of false promises. The Gifted Ones, believing they will revive every lost soul in The Basin, will unknowingly bring about Naruun's return and potential domination over the world. As the ritual commences, a colossal Stoalium contraption built by the Cult beneath the city of Edschmied will start to channel the gathered soul' energy into each of the three forges. It takes one week for the Prison of Naruun to break.
The party must race against time to not only prevent Naruun's escape but also find a way to destroy or contain him for good.

Optional Threads

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Those are the Plot Threads the Players can optionally solve:

Needs refactoring

Base on Flowchart

  • Keep Gifted ones from holding Ritual
  • Gain Support for assault against shaddowhammer
  • Convince Volar of wrongdoings
  • Uncover Naruuns Identity
  • Uncover Fulfillers true identity

Origin of Naruun

Key Figures

Locations Gandmuehl

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